Chapter 1

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Why do I keep telling myself I don't belong here? Even though I was born into this world and I had grown up in it? I know where I belong but I can't get back no matter how much I try I can't get back.

I found myself once again visiting the place where it had all began I remember the statue. Where my Dad's car wouldn't start I walked through the passage way which lead me to the abandoned fair. I walked with my head down everything was quiet there was no one here just me. I walked the same hill I walked 8 years ago this place is when me and Haku had to part ways and say goodbye I remember him promising me we'd see each other again some promise that was its been 8 years.

I was now engaged to a man my parents chose for me... My parent's was childhood friends with my husband's to be parents. When I first found out I was really upset I didn't want to marry some who I didn't choose but I had to respect my parents I loved them they had looked after me and put a roof over my head.

I'm still upset about it now this is why I wish I could just escape it all but there is no way out... I carried on walking I came to the bridge this was where me and Haku first met I began to cross it as I got to the middle I stopped I walked over to look at the water but it was all dried up...

My eyes caught the building in front of me it was Yubaba's bath house. My lips turned into a small smile I remember asking her for a job so I could save my parents back then she was super scary and intimidating. A vibration in my trousers pocket shocked me back into reality I pulled out my phone too see my mum was calling.

"Hello" I answered "Chihiro it's getting late come home or you dinner will be cold" my Mum said sounding annoyed "Sorry Mum I'm on my way home" I said "Hurry and I hope you didn't forget tomorrow is Sunday John and his parents invited us for some tea" She said hanging up I totally forgot about that whole thing John is the man who I'm engaged too I wasn't happy about it either.

Haku's POV.

Once I said had goodbye to Chihiro It was hard to let her go because I knew I wouldn't be able to see her again. Even though I promised her I would see her again I wanted to give her hope thanks to her I knew my real name Haku River I'm the river spirit I was no longer under Yubaba's control I could leave the bath house but I could never find my way home because the river which once flowed had dried up and now their were houses which had been built there. So I was now stuck with Yubaba and I was forced to still work for her I was like her dog I did all her dirty work... I flew through the sky in my dragon form today was a day which always started and ended the same I'd work for Yubaba day and night everything was the same around the bath house no one spoke of Chihiro it was like she never existed.

Chihiro's Pov

I didn't want to have some tea with some man my parents was forcing me into marrying I didn't care any more I had to find away back into the spirit world I missed being their I felt like I was at home being there.

Tears fell down my face "why can I never find my way back"! I shouted "I don't want this life I don't want to be here I want to go back to the spirit world" I cried "I miss you too Haku" I whispered falling to my knees... Everything around me began to get dark I could feel the wind blowing my hair I crossed my arms to warm myself up. I stood up and wiped my tears I crossed the bridge and came to the door of the bath house...

I began to bang on the door "Its Chihiro please let me in" I banged and banged until I couldn't bang any more I was tired and hungry and I knew I couldn't go on any more I began to feel dizzy everything around me began to blur "No one will answer" I said falling to the ground and hitting my head tears fell down my face and my head throbbed from the impact of the fall.

Return To Me ~Spirited Away Fanfic~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora