Chapter 3

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Haku's POV.

I was away from the bath house for 2 days I had finally returned in the morning it was hectic around here. I flew through the window and I heard a scream of a girl.. I changed from my dragon form into my normal human form I turned around confused too see where the scream had came from but there was no longer anyone there.

Chihrio's POV.

I had been here 2 days now and I had been helping out a lot around the bath house... But there was no sign of Haku where was he? I had heard he still worked for Yubaba and was away a lot. I was getting dressed when the window was open again Lin must have left it open. All of a sudden this strange thing came flying through the window I wasn't looking and it was coming towards me I screamed and ran out of the room I ran as fast as I could down the stairs screaming what was that thing?

Today me and Lin was going to visit Kamaji. I remember when I first came to the spirit world he helped me out by pretending I was his granddaughter so I could get a job here... "Sen are you ready"? Lin asked "Yes I'm ready lets go" I said.

Lin opened the small door I remember crawling through all those years ago... I crawled through and stood to my feet there was Kamaji doing his work as usual he hadn't changed one bit either "Hey Kamaji" Lin shouted Kamaji turned around and looked straight at me and said "Is it true as everyone is saying Sen has returned but your real name is Chihiro" "It's me" I said "Your all grown up I wouldn't have recognised you" he said "Don't worry most people didn't" I said smiling.

"May I ask why you are smiling" he asked "Well I guess I'm glad to be back and see my friends again" I said "Well I was glad to hear from you again its nice to have visitors down here it gets long and boring sometimes" he said I looked to the floor to see a blood stain I then remembered Haku was badly hurt here and lost a lot of blood.

"Haku's blood" I said walking over to it "Oh that I tried to get it out but it had stained I guess this was the only proof you was here all those years ago" he said. I carried on staring at it wondering when I'd see Haku again? "Do you know where Haku is I searched everywhere in the bath house and I can't find him" I asked. "Last time I heard he was going off to do another job for Yubaba" he replied...

"Looks like we gotta go Sen there's another customer" Lin said I sighed and waved good bye too Kamaji. I walked up the stairs behind Lin... "There you too are Lin go and see to the Customers need" Yubaba said Lin sighed and did as asked "Sen I want to you go onto the land and pick some strawberries for me" Yubaba said.

I walked out of the bath house and went over the bridge... Where did they even grow strawberries anyway I thought confused? I walked over to the water and stared at my refection my brown hair fell down over my shoulders... My face showed all emotions I wanted to see Haku again so bad "Where are you Haku" I whispered to the river .

Haku's POV.

I had returned to the bath house and was helping out with simple tasks most of them involved cleaning up after customers had taken a bath but it didn't really bother me. Lin walked into the bathing room and handed me a token "Thanks" I said sending the token of to get water. She walked over to me and said "So Haku" "What" I asked "Haven't you heard the gossip going on around here" she asked "I thought something was up once I got back but I didn't take that much notice" I said pulling the string so the water would poor out.

"Your really missing out" Lin said chuckling "Is it that important" I asked "You can bet on it" she said " Can't you just tell me then" I asked "Nope you'll have to find you're for yourself" she said laughing "Whatever" I said walking away annoyed,

I walked outside and went over to the river there was someone else here today it looked like a girl I'd never seen her around the bath house she had the uniform on I couldn't see her face her long brown hair covered it who was she anyway?

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