Chapter 7

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I was having a break in our room where we slept and all of sudden I heard someone shouting I stood to my feet and began to sprint into the bathhouse I would know that voice anywhere it was Haku!

"Sen where are you going" Lin shouted.

"To find Haku I heard him" I said catching my breath and stopping for a short break.

"He was just here but I dont know where he went" Lin said

I just nodded and after I caught my breath and ran out of the bath house Lin knew where I was going so there was no point me explaining to her

I ran until I couldn't run no more I ended up at the place where my parents had first been turned into pigs by Yubaba I sighed and sat down for a rest.

1 hour later....

I had been out for awhile now and still no sign of Haku any where was I ever going to find him I felt like every time I had a chance to see him again something was always pulling us apart...

I got to the place where me and Haku first met the bridge and still no sign of him I stood their and gazed into the water.

"Where are you Haku" I shouted.

I could then feel someone behind me but before I could turn around a voice said.

"How do you know my name and who are you"

Before I could answer everything went black...

Haku's POV.

I was taking a walk too cool off after having a discussion with Lin. All off a sudden I heard a female voice shouting Haku I followed the voice and I saw the same girl as before who was she and how did she know my name?

I asked her but all off a sudden she blacked out I caught her in my arms before she fell to the ground.

As I was holding her the wind blew her hair around her face I moved a strand back from her face so I could get a proper look at her my eyebrow raised as I looked down at her why did she feel so familiar to me I was so confused.

I quickly changed into my dragon form putting her on my back and began to fly through the air I could feel her body starting to grow cold I had to get her back to the bath house immediately.

I touched downed into the female's sleeping room the room was empty I changed back into my human form and laid her down she began to look see through It then shocked me she was human and that must have been the reason why the other day I could smell a human.

I reached into my pocket all she had to do was eat and then she would regain her strength back to normal who was this girl and how did she get here I had so many questions I would stay with her until she wakes up.

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