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I clutch my fists tighter trying not to give in, staring fear in the eye. The unidentified creature creeps closer, closer, and closer. The fear paralyzes me effectively, shooting malevolent shivers down my spine . The creature slithers close enough that I could feel its warm breath on my neck. I can only stand there. Unmoving like the burning tree in the middle of the forest that the creature came from. I grip the four-Inch switch blade tightly in my fist like the ratty old teddy-bear I had when I was five. The lights come back on, blinding me momentarily allowing me to get a satisfying glimpse of "It" being dragged back to Hell. That causes a slight smirk to tug at the corners of my thin, chapped lips.

" Good job, Megan." Josh grins widely. I swear to God I can see his wisdom teeth; He stands and slinks towards me slowly clapping his hands.

"You think so, big shot?" I say walking to him and tuck my hands in my back pockets.

" Think so? I know so." He stares at me and another large grin breaks across his face, something he is infamous for, and looks down at me. He is really tall, nearly a foot taller than me. Mostly because he is nineteen, a whole two years older than I currently am.

His eyes meet mine with a hot stare, making my face burn red with slight embarrassment, " What you thinking of Meg?" His grin fades.

" Your..." I gulp and cut my sentence short, I think he would portray me as odd if i mention he was in my thoughts at all.

" Me?" Josh pierces me straight through the heart with his brown doe eyes and raises his eyebrows in curiosity.

" N-no," I stutter. " I was thinking of how to improve my fear training, so one day I'll be better than you Big Shot~"

He leans closer to me. " Is that all you were thinking of? " He asks with a mischievous look in his eyes. I lean back, the solidness of the brick wall behind me is the only thing preventing me from making space between the two of us. " What?" He taunted with a sly wink in his expression," I wasn't going to do anything," He leans even closer and slams his hand into the wall beside me, " You're not my body type.." He whispers into my ear.

"Pfft, Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I roll my eyes.

" Maybe, if you have eyes, you would have noticed I'm extremely handsome." He grins widely and stands straight up. I shove him out of the way and walk down the hallway towards my dorm. " Aww did I make the Princess mad?!" He shouts.

" If I was a Princess, why would I be stuck with an ass like you!" I open the door to my dorm and slam the door behind me.

I take off my imported leather jacket from Italy and toss it on the bottom bunk of the bed I share with Jasmine. On the other side of my bed, too close for comfort, is the bunk Josh and Issah ( Eye-suh ) share. If I reach my hand over the bunk I could brush Josh with my fingertips. We don't worry about gender that much because Josh and I are only friends, If even friends. Actually, we are more like acquaintances. As in, he is lucky I haven't killed him yet. He obviously knows I feel that we are just friends, so why did he cause such a fuss over me leaning away from him? He knows how I am. I pick up the book off of my dresser beside me. I throw myself onto my bed and read my book because Jasmine does not get out of training until tonight, four hours away, Issah doesn't get off until a little after Jasmine. I don't know about Josh, he comes in randomly. I decide to just go to sleep, I'm tired and I have a headache. I softly close my eyes.

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