Chapter three...

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A/N Sorreeh it sucks but yeah Introducing Shin-hi The perverted Asian, can you just imagine my eyebrows wiggling...  

My eyes widen as i cover them more trying to walk away to get away from this awkward moment. Fuck, i have to open the door. I uncover one of my eyes and reach for the door nob and start to twist it and i get spun around to face Josh. He is way taller than me. I can't even look him in the face for this situation im in right now, my eyes widen, like an owl, just staring straight ahead, not daring to move a muscle.

" Awwe, come on, chill out its just me. Its not like i would do anything, im a good kid." His smile widens. I walk in a little more as my blushing dims down a little and stand beside the wall. I suddenly get pinned against the wall, making a gasp and slight whimper escape my mouth. " Unless you want me to. " He says in a deep raspy voice into my neck which he has his mouth pressed against. He starts to Nibble on my neck slightly. An accidental moan escapes my mouth and i feel his smirk hitting me like a million knives. " I take that as yes? " He says quietly and before i could push him away and say 'Fuck you Sir ' Josh's Best friend and player, Shin-Hi, walks in laughing at himself. 

Me, Still pinned against the wall, pushes josh out of the way and walks to my bed, trying not to make eye contact with either of them. " Having Fun?" Shin-Hi says in his usual deep voice he uses around girls to make them fall for him, i never found Shin as a ' Hot ' guy, i see him more as a brother.

" We didn't get to the good part." Josh says through a laugh, knowing he is making me blush." Thanks to you Shin." He glances over at him and leans his back against the wall.

Which he looks really hot doing so.

I pick up my jacket and walk to the door shaking the thought out of my head, I put My jacket on at the same time, still trying not to make eye contact with Shin-Hi OR Josh. Josh shoves me back inferring himself to walk out the door first mainly cause he is a Dick, but that's just my opinion, and maybe half of the campus's opinion. While i stand there Just staring into space my jaw dropped of how he pushes ME out of the way, I remember why i came here. I needed to change clothes since the training is closed today. I back away from the door fast pacing to my bed non-stop thinking about what just happened, unclear of my surroundings. I run back to the door and lock it so i could change.

I Pace AGAIN back to my bed and grab my clothes and pull them closer to me. I pull off my shirt leaving me in just my Bra and leather training pants, mainly cause im not a whore and ask for shorts instead, like half the girls here. I pull off my pants and struggle a little because they are so hard to take off letting out a small grunt. Im about to pull my Bra off when i here a simple.. Whistle. Not just any whistle. Shin-hi's whistle. I look up to him laying on Josh's bed.

" You need any help Beautiful." He says staring at me looking me up and down.

" Get the fuck out of my dorm! " I say a little loud. He just stares at me confused and i stare back at him, then remembering im half naked. I pull on my shirt so he cant see more than just my elephant legs, so im good here.

" For one, its not your dorm, for two I. Don't. Wanna." He looks at me a wide challenging  smirk on his face. " Oh I know, I will leave for a kiss." He looks at me dead in the eye  and stands up. Walking towards me, i back up a little, hitting the wall behind me. His face centimeters away from mine.  "What will it be?" He says glancing at my lips then back at my eyes. I know im blushing i can feel it. Oh my God, He is blushing. Shin-Hi is blushing... Why, i thought guys don't blush? I stare at him dead in the eye and clear my throat, knowing if i move just an inch forward our lips would collide.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2016 ⏰

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