Chapter two

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A/N Im sorry its been a long time to update but then i was like," F*** School A**holes!", Lol so yeah im here. Sorry these have been so short. 

I'm walking through this hallway and 'its so damn long' is all that is going through my mind at the moment. Its not the only thing that's long...  Damn I have a perverted mind. I look around the corner as i reach the end of the hallway expecting to see the guards making sure nobody leaves this hellhole, but for some reason they aren't here. I smirk to myself and stare around that corner, I abrruptly turn around and bump into someone really tall, I look up to give him a 'Get out of my way bitch or i will beat your ass' Look but when i look up i see a smirking Josh.

" You just always want to touch me don't you pancake." He says through his dumbass smirk he never gets rid of.

" Who would want to touch your ass." I say really overly confident even knowing he will have a better come-back than mine.

" You apparently." He says as he glances down at my chest making my mouth drop a little, as he chuckles at my reaction. He leans closer to my face and i pull back my head making me appear as i have a double chin, Josh, smirking softly "Pancake..." He mumbles under his breath, smirking even louder. He straightens his back and walks past me a little leaving me speechless.

" Dumbass..." I mumble loudly so he can hear as i mock him in the same terms as he did to me. I turn around and he is completely gone. He is like a ninja, he disappears easily. Well since me and Jasmine had the same Fear thingy today i guess she is in the dorm. I start walking down the hallway towards the dorm and open the door, then finally remembering that josh walked down this way. I look up and quickly cover my eyes.

" Josh you cant even lock the Goddamn door!" I say with my hand over my eyes even though he was just unbuckling his belt. I can feel his smirk hitting me like a thousand bullets.

" Why? Do you want to do it for me?" He says in a mocking tone and laughs " Im still dressed other than my shirt." Im slightly in the room, with my eyes still covered i turn around, the door shuts in front of my face. His rock-hard chest against my back. " I wouldn't let you off that easy you know..." He leans over me, whispering into my ear making my heart flutter. His lips brushing my ear.

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