The beginning of it all

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I woke up on Monday. Oh how I hate Monday's. I've let my alarm clock go off tons of times. I looked down at my phone and saw I had ten minutes till school starts. I got out of bed put on my skinny jeans with my AC/DC shirt on and my combat boots with a nice French braid. I ran down stairs and stole my olders brothers piece of toast. "Bye Jake love ya." I shouted through out the house. I got in my purple Jeep Cherokee and turned on my rock music and got to school on time. I was scrolling through my Twitter when the teacher started to talk.
"Class we have a new student today. Would you like to introduce yourself."
"Hi I'm Dean Winchester." His voice was so deep but soothing at the same time. I sat my phone down and still haven't looked at him even though he sat down right next to me. My phone buzzed

  Are you even going to look at him?- E
Why should I?- K
Just do it you won't regret it.-E
Fine 😫😫-K
I looked over and about choked myself when I saw his bright green apple eyes. I melted into them. I didn't realize I was staring until Emily texted me back.
  Stop staring it's rude-E
  Omg was I really staring?-K
  Yeah apparently zoned out too.   Because he even looked at you and   chuckled pretty loud.-E
Oh my god I haven't even talk to    him and I've already embarrassed   myself.-K
I went to lunch and found myself staring again.
"Dude you really need to stop staring at Dean."
"I can't he's to perfect. To perfect for me."
"Don't you start talking like that. Or I'll swear I'll go over there and tell him that you think your not good enough for him."
"Fine go ahead. I don't care."
And with that she got up walked over to him grabbed his collar and said "you see that girl over there she likes you but she thinks she's not good enough for you. What can you do. With out hurting her because if you hurt her I will hunt you down and I WILL hurt you don't think I won't." She sat back down and started eating like nothing ever happened.


Me and Dean ended up having 5 more classes together and he sat by me in every single one of them. I didn't mind though. Of course all the girls were basically drooling all over him. I just wanted to leave so as soon as that bell rang I was out the door. I got to my car and drove off but I saw Dean and a boy about in 7th or 8th grade walking home. I pulled over and asked if they needed a ride Dean nodded his head and they hopped in.
"Where do you guys live?" I asked.
Dean started to talk "Do you know where the Oak of the Hills motel is. We are staying there room number 27." I just looked at him with my 'your kidding right' face. "No I'm not joking that's where we are staying."
"I never said anything." I put my hands up in defense. The boy in the back laughed I looked at him and asked "What's your name."
"Sam" he stated.
"Ok Sam what's so funny."
"Nothing just that Dean likes you."
I looked over at Dean and he gave Sam the death stare.
"Of course he likes me who wouldn't like all of this." I said laughing then we all started to laugh.


We got to the motel and I dropped them off before Dean asked me a question "would you like to go out sometime?"
"Yeah I would really like that."
"Ok I'll come get you at 7 tomorrow."
"Ok then it's a date." I drove off smiling like a dork and squealing like a little kid.

So did you guys like my first chapter I'm sorry about any mistakes just comment and let me know

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