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Time skip to two years later and you already know about hunting

Deans been on a hunt and I've been getting sick in the mornings. I decided to call my best friend Emily.

Phone call (E Emily K Katie)

E: Hey what's up.

K: Hey do you want to hang out at the mall later. With no Dean.

E: OMG yes it seems like forever since we've hung out. I'll come get you about 12. Ok?

K: Awesome see you later love ya'

E: Love ya' too

Phone call end


"Hey long time no see huh." "Yep ready to go?" "Yeah lets go woo hoo." "Where do you wanna go eat I'm starving ?" asked Emily. "Anywhere you wanna go." "Mm'k lets go to McDonalds" "Allright lets go."

heading home

"Hey can we stop by the drug store?" "Yeah sure what for?" "I think I might be pregnant." "What that's awesome. I mean if your are. but yeah we can stop there. do you want me to be there when you take it 'cause Dean's on a trip?" "Yeah that would be nice." We get to the store and buy six kinds of tests to be sure. we get back to my house and take the tests. we wait 10 minuets to be sure. "I can't go in there Emily." "Do you want me to go in there and check?" I nodded. She goes to check them and comes out with a big smile on her face and I break down in tears. "Hey hey hey come here its going to be ok." "I know I'm just scared he's gunna leave me." I say sobbing. "Hey look at me. If he leaves I'll hunt him down and drag him back here." I laughed. "Ha ha there's the smile I've been waiting for. Now he's not going to leave you he loves you." "I know, I love him too."

dean comes back to the motel

"Katie I'm home." "Deannn." "Hey what's up. Wait, have you been crying." "Maybe." "What's wrong?" "You love me right and you'll never leave me?" "Yes Katie I love you and I never want to lose you. Katie what's going on you're scaring me." "I'm pregnant." I hung my head but his eyes go wide and he smiles. He pulls me into a hug and says "Hey that's great I'll go make an appointment and check how far you are and see if your really are. I love you Katie Reynolds." "I love you too Dean Winchester. now lets go make an appointment." "We have an appointment tomorrow at three." "Ok lets get to bed i'm tired hunting really wears you down." "Alright."

doctors office

"Katie Reynolds?" We get up and follow her into a room Dean never lets go of my hand but I don't mind. I lay down on the bed and the doctor starts speaking. "Hi Katie I'm Mr. Dallas, I'm going to out this jelly on your stomach and it'll be cold. Looks like your 5 weeks pregnant. Congratulations Mrs. Reynolds." "Thank you."

"We better start looking for a house." Dean says on our way motel. "We should, lets start online then we'll go look at them." "Ok . I'm so glad that we're having this baby, we still gotta tell Sammy." "Oh don't forget Emily and Bobby." "Yeah we can't forget about Bobby, remember what happened last time." "Yeah I've never seen him so angry before. We can go out for dinner and tell them then." "Hey Kate will you like to go for a walk on the beach later with me." "Yeah I'd love to Winchester."

later on the beach

"Hey Kate will you get me my bag from the trunk." "Yeah." I walk around to the trunk and back around and see down on one knee. "Katie Rey-" "Yes!" Let me finish. Katie Reynolds, I hav-" "Yes!" "Dang it Katie your ruining it. Now shut up and let me finish, I'm trying to be romantic. Katie Reynolds I have loved you ever since I saw you and I have loved you ever since. Will you marry me?" "Yes a million times yes. Now get your ass up here so I can kiss you." When he kissed me it was so full of passion and love like he never wanted me to leave. We eventually we broke the kiss breathless. "I love you Katie." "I love you too Dean."

time skip to next week when they tell them the good news.

"Guys we have something to tell you." "Better be important boy I had to put on a suit and you know how much I hate suits." Bobby mumbles. I decided to speak up "It's really important." Dean holds up my hand, and everyone congratulates us. "And that's not all." Emily knows and she gasps and covers her hand with her hand. "What is it sweetie?" Sam asks. (did I mention that they are dating they met at Stanford and have been dating for three months) "Nothing it's nothing, I thought I saw somebody famous." She lied for her best friend now that's a best friend if you ask me. Dean speaks up, "We're also pregnant." "He's not but I am. I'm six weeks in." We get trampled with more hugs, and congratulations. "Do you know the gender?" Emily asks. "No but Dean wants a boy and I want a girl."






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