You Klutz... ~Modern Sasuke One-Shot~

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"Excuse me! Sorry! Ouch!" Several apologizes flew from her lips as she fought against the crowds that all seemed to be going the opposite way she was. If you're having trouble picturing it, she's basically trying to go up a hallway where every single freaking person is going the other way. It was frustrating to say the most, but it was just another average day in Konoha High School. The usual struggle of getting to class on time was her challenge at the moment. She only had a few minutes left to get to Science, but if she turned around and went around the school to get to the same class, she wouldn't make it. She had already been late two times, and if she was once more, then she would get an after school detention. The pure joy that would be.

"Move it!" A senior shouted at her, pushing against the locker, knocking the books out of her hands. She watched as they were scattered out in the hallway, along with all her homework assignments and much needed school papers. "Out of the way!"

"Hey! My stuff!" She protested, doing her best together her stuff up and at the same time avoid being trampled by all the rampant high schoolers. She bent down on her hands and knees, picking up the things that were essential to her in class. Where was the teacher when this kind of thing happened? Oh, right, probably yelling at Naruto for some stupid reason again, or barking at the Akatsuki Gang that ran the school better than they did. Sighing, she snatched more of her books off the ground. Science, English, Japanese 1, Math, Art, Chorus, and don't forget good ol' Social Studies... "Ugh, I'm going to be late at this rate!"

"God, you klutz." A slightly irritated voice sounded from behind her. She whipped her head around to see Sasuke, hands shoved in his pockets. His backpack was throw over his shoulder carelessly, a smirk on his lips. "You're honestly going to kill me."

"Thanks for helping." Varunee joked, scoffing as she picked up the last thing of hers off the floor: one of her pencils. Shifting the stuff in her arms to get more comfortable, she stood up. Her dyed amber curls bounced as she did so, and Sasuke raised an eyebrow at her. "What?"

"Did someone push you or are you enough of a klutz to drop your books in this hectic hallway in the school?" He asked her, and she bit her lip. He was always doing that, reading her like some open book. Actually he often called her 'The most interesting novel he's ever read'. While most fan girls would be swooning that he even had been talking to them when he said that, Varunee found a little annoying that she was so easily read. She didn't like the fact that she could read her every dark secret, especially one that she was trying to keep hidden. "Don't try to lie to me either." He warned.

She sighed heavily, know he was right, lying was evidently pointless. He was always too protective toward her, though she absolutely no clue way. Sasuke didn't seem like the kind of person to like people, mostly from the fact that most girls in the school worshiped the ground he walked on. A lot of the girls in this school seemed to either be infatuated by Sasuke, or one of the members of the Akatsuki Gang. Which was understandable. They all were handsome and unbelievably charming, so it was just a matter of time for a new girl to develop a crush. It wasn't long before she did too, but there was only one small problem, or rather two...

One, the crush was on her best friend, Uchiha Sasuke.

Two, if anyone found out, such as his rabid fan girls, she would be more than likely run out of the school.

Okay, so the second one seemed a little exaggerated. But she wouldn't put it past them, they were rabid. They would probably be the ones to go jump her in a dark alley or key her car. They would drive her out of the school, in the least, because she's seen it happen before to several girls. So she had to hide the feelings deep down and pray that nobody would see through her chains into the dark secret she was keeping prisoner.

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