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Sorry I have no update in a while

We are walking through new York City . We don't know what we are doing next we will figure it out . When it hits us we will do it on the fly. But first daniel suggested that we check what the police are doing adout us and if we will get caught or not in the near future . *reads newspaper article adout our fun * we are being investigated but they have no big clues yet for us so that is good .

We spot some people walking into a small little building . We follow and knock out the cameras . They all have name cards on so I assume it is a club or meeting of some sort. We go around the route they go but slower. We did make pipe bombs the other day , we will use them but at the right time . For now we need to take the Id cards so No one will know who they are when we find them .

We used knock out gas and steal them . We will use them as Firestarters later . We set the pipe bombs. * ticking starts* we run for our lives . We make it outside with seconds to spare we watch it blow up .* boom * that was fun then I start to read them I start to read the cards

James , deanna , carolanne , laura, david , tomas ,fredy, oliver , jake, mia

These people had normal lives you know . I feel bad for a minute before the thoughts in the back of my head take it away . That was werid did I just have regret . I do not like regret it hurts . I like hurting people more . Oh well weeeeeeee.........

We are going to bed and I am already snuggly in my boyfriends arms . " goodnight babe " " goodnight honey I love you "

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