Preston vs. Daniel

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Walking to the store , we meet Preston . He Is super nice . I think daniel is jealous of him . I only love daniel but he would be a good fuck .

We just murdered a cop . His blood is all over my shirt. I guess killing people gets blood on your cloths . We meet Preston . We talk with him awhile then decide to go home for the day . We also need to leave so we won't be caught .

* one week later *
Me and Preston are getting to be good friends . I think he likes me . I like him as a friend . I am always weird with letting people down easy .

Preston and I are talking then he looks at me and asks " will you be my boyfriend " oh no daniel is coming here soon and he gets jealous. When daniel is jealous he gets volient and angry . He sees Preston grab my hand and looks like he's adout to explode. Daniel walks over here and grabs me and pulls me away. " YOU WILL NOT GO OUT WITH MY BOYFRIEND " " OH I WILL HE DOES NOT LOVE YOU BOB WILL ALWAYS LOVE ME" I need to stop this. "I do not love you Preston you are a friend I will always love daniel " Preston takes out a gun and aims it at my head . daniel says " get off him you asshat" he let's go of me once he sees daniel . He shot daniel in the arm . This is bad . I jump on Preston. He smirks and says " so your 'boyfriend ' does want me " I take his distraction to shot him in the head .

Daniel is okay some nice unknowing nun helps us. We killed the nun we made it look like she killed her self .

We are now snuggling by the fire I made when we got home . We have had a big day and I am beat . " let's go to bed babe " " okay I love you and I am so happy to have you in my life . I was so scared that you did love me anymore " I say " you know I will never leave you " " but what I'd we get caught one day " then we shall both die together and kiss in hell " . He kisses me on the head then we go to sleep near the fire dreaming adout each other .

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