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As we are walking down the street I stop at a shop and see a bride buying a dress . She is pretty she should die. I want to see her take her last breath at my hand . " What you thinking adout babe " " how we should kill that bride " " oh we could sacrifice her to the devil "" sounds fun " . " let's get to work "

We have to go to the wedding . * gets to the wedding *
Me and Daniel think of the idea to not do the crime but drug the bridesmaid to do it . This drug I have will make her forget too so we can't be caught . " but daniel the question is how do we drug her " " we come into the place as servers and serve her the drug in a drink " " you are soy smart " " I know babe "
We are walking and put on lots of makeup to look like different people ( don't ask how we have makeup ) . We see the bride talking to a women in a fancy dress talking very happily . Ugh happy couples gross hetros . " after we kill the bride and groom well sacrifice the bridesmaid to Satan " " yes of coarse we will who do you think we are crazy " we laugh then get back into character .

The hall is covered in the blood of many people . I take some wet blood off the wall and lick it , I always liked the way blood tasted . We see the bridesmaid crying and rocking on the floor . We knock her out and brag her to our warehouse. We just got a warehouse. Well got is a strong word trespassing is the word I am looking for . She is on the ground naked and we already put the right marks on her body. We Chant with our robes on . I like the Robes it makes me feel professional adout this . We slowly cover her in blood and continue to chant . Daniel looks very sexy in his robe . I will fuck him later right now we need to make a sacrifice. after we finish chanting we slit her throat.

Daniel and I are snuggling watching tv when . Daniel just looks at me and says " I am horny " I smile and say " I can solve that " after we are finished we are knocked out I fall asleep in my boyfriends arms thinking adout our great day .

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