50 Lessons for how to be an Appa for Dummies/Idols

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One night was all it took to change my whole life, make me find love interest in an old friend, and getting a look what a normal guy my age might be facing because I’m not just anyone I am an Idol, I am the one and only Himchan from B.A.P and the proud father of a little girl by the name of Luna.

I had always wanted a child but since I became an idol had to postpone the search from my one true love and a happy family life with many children to a later time after my days of B.A.P when I’m old and don’t appeal to the teenage audience anymore. Of course I still went and went on dates with cute girls but nothing to serious. Until the day I meet Grace an America girl studying in Korea I had fallen hard for her (or so I thought) and we started dating, without the company or the other boys besides Jongup knowing about it.

We had been secretly dating for two months the first time we had sex but oddly about a week after she broke up with me saying that I was getting in the way of her studies and causing her to get bad grade, I really didn’t see why that was a good reasons but honestly her studies where more important. Jongup had given me company after the break up knowing how in love I had been he let me cry on his shoulder, we saw my wall of macho breaking.

Usually I wouldn’t let anyone besides my umma see me in tear not even the boys, well unless we were watching a really emotional movie or when something sad/really happy happens in a movie like in Baby and me when he runs through the airport trying to get to his son.(oh the irony) Those are the only moments they have seen tears come from my face. But Jongup was different I felt extremely comfortable with him not that I’m not comfortable around the others but usually I would be embarrassed having the guys see me cry, but Jongup gives me a feeling that I couldn’t explain but it made me comfortable to cry around him and have me in his arms while I felt sad and depressed because of my lost love. Little did I know my true love had been at my side through this whole ordeal.

50 Lessons for how to be an Appa for Dummies/IdolsWhere stories live. Discover now