Chapter 1 lesson 4: If all fails make a baby laugh brightens up your day

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            Hearing that Bang was in the hospital coming from my umma I stud unmoving and my phone drop to the ground luckily it didn’t break(you know how IPhones can be). Every one besides Zelo looked at me “what’s wrong hyung?” Youngjae ask, I swallowed the lump that was building in my throat “Bang is in the hospital he was in an accident” I said quietly and I saw Zelo taking a quick glance at me before he said something that I would have never expected to hear from him “serves him right” my eyes widened , last time I check they were a happy couple……..

            Flash back~~~~~

We had all been in the living room and Zelo was cuddling against Bang’s brood chest as Bang was lightly petting his hair, this is a really rear lovey dovey of Bang and Zelo I mean don’t get me wrong Bang is always loving with Zelo but mostly when were not around and I’m sure it’s a different type of loving (if you know what I mean.). And thought he is an emotional person, Bang isn’t very good at expressing his love when anyone besides his little Bunny was around.

“Hyung can we go to the store and get some candy please?” Zelo said as he turned around to kiss Bang’s lips, Bang smirked after they had need for air again and whispered a word of agreement in Zelo’s ear. Zelo jumped up in joy accidently stepping on Bangs vital region in the process, Bang yelped in pain his eyes wide while Zelo quickly ran out of the room knowing Bang was going to kill him. “ZELO COME BACK HERE!!!” Bang yelled trying to get up.

End of flashback~~~~~

            Agreeing that Jongup and YoungJae would take Zelo back to the apartment where my umma would also be taking care of Luna, while Daehyun and I made our way to the hospital. As Daehuyn and I drove to the hospital my head was filled with scenarios of what could have happen, why Zelo had a hatred against Bang , and how seriously Bang was injured.

            We arrived at the hospital shortly after one in the morning, walking up to the desk were a middle aged woman sat at I ask for Bang she gave me a little note card with the room number on it. We made our way there and once outside the door I heard voices inside one belonging to Yongguk’s mother “Honestly I though you were hurt worse but I’m glad its not so but tell me what made you cross the street without looking? I thought you better” she stated right as we walked in , Bangs just looked down unresponsive just like Zelo.

            Finding out that Bang had nothing serious just a few broken ribs came as a relive to me and I quickly excused myself so that I could inform the others. Dialing Jongups number I felt a smile coming to my lips, just a few hours ago we had confessed our feeling for on another and he even agreed to be my boyfriend, he would be the perfect umma for Luna. After a few beeps Jongup finally answer “Hyung you really choose the worst time to call I’m in the middle of changing Luna’s diaper, hang on I’ll put you on speaker” I heard the phone distance for a moment before I heard Jongup’s voice once more “so how bad is Yong Guk hyung doing is he in a coma? Is he dead? Please don’t tell me he’s dead” he said in a worried tone “No worry babe he just has a couple broken ribs but the doctor said he can leave tomorrow he just cant preformed for a while, did you get anything out of JunHong?” he sighed in relive and then giggled when he heard me call him babe but never the less he answer me “no nothing and he’s so quite which is not him at all, it worries me” Jongup said the worry making its self noticeable in his voice.

            After an hour of trying to find out why YongGuk had been so un careful in the first place we gave up and told him that we would be here to pick him up the next day, still he did not respond. We made our way home once there Daehyun when straight to his room knowing sleep was a good idea I when to my own room smiling at the sight that greeted me, a sleeping Jongup was curled up on my bed and a sleeping Luna curled up at his chest both of them breath quitley there chests rising and falling at the same pace. I carefully placed Luna in her crib that was placed beside my bed before changing in to pair of pajama pants that had bunnys on it and laid down next to Jongup placing one arm around  waist ,smiling a slowly drifted in to sleep.

            That Morning I was awoken by the Luna’s soft sobbing but before I could do anything Jongup escaped my embrace and picked Luna out of her crib making his way to the kitchen to feed her. Slowly got out of bed to fallow them, I rubbed my eye clearly still having sleep in my them. I walked out of my room making my way to the kitchen and I stopped  at the door way of the kitchen observing Jongup was he feed Luna his gaze soft on her while her eyes went from the bottle to him. When Luna was done with her bottle I walked in to the room taking the bottle from Jongup’s had and washing it while he burped her. Once I was done cleaning the bottle Jongup was once again cradling Luna in his arms, I walked over to Jongup placing a hand on one of his hips and putting our forehead together being careful not to crush Luna “It’s Sunday, how about we go out to eat breakfast today?” I ask him. Thought to day was the day that Yongguk would be returning I had already had made several calls the night before telling his what happened and that Yongguk would not be able to perform for a while, the doctor had faxed him the info and he announced to the public that we would be taking a half year break thus we had plenty of time. I had already called my sister and she agreed to pick up Bang from the hospital so that Luna, Jongup, and I could have some time alone.

            Jongup nodded his head in to give an answer to the question I had ask. I leaned in to kiss Jongup’s soft lips and that’s when I heard a giggle I had almost forgot that Luna was in Jongup’s arms, breaking the kiss we both looked down to see Luna to look right back up at us giggling and smiling a tooth less smile. Jongup had a look on his face that told me that he was thinking hard about something, he then placed a kiss to my cheek earning another giggle from Luna “I think she finds kisses funny” Jongup said and at that moment it felt like a family moment.

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