Chapter 1 Lesson 5: significant other

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My sister had picked up YongGuk and brought him to the dorm before we had even had the chance to leave, she insisted that she would watch over Luna while Jongup and I should have some alone time. I had actually hoped that we would have had a family day but honestly it was a good Ideal since Jongup and I haven’t been dating long so we haven’t had our first date. I quickly removed myself from the room and ran to my own, getting in to my room I made my way to my laptop triping over baby toys in the process. Finally getting to the pink and black laptop I quickly opened it and turned it on, while waiting for it to boost up I tried to think of things to make this date special as I wanted it to be since it was our first. I had expected much more time to plan this out; lucky for me Jongup still had to get himself ready so this gave me some time to make some calls. Getting the number of a restaurant I grow fond of off the internet I gave them a call reserving a table, after doing half an hour of research I was finally done and had planed the day for me and Jongup.

            After taking a quick showered and getting dressed in a pair of black pants ,white t-shirt, and a black and green sweeter that I had gotten from Jongup last year for Christmas when we were still trainees. I returned to the living room where Jongup sat between a very quite Bang and a scary quite Zelo, seeing me he imminently got up and walked toured the door the tense air getting to him and I quickly followed. We got our jackets and got our shoes on and quickly left the dorm.

            First I we were to go get something to eat, Getting in to the car that we had been given as a present to the band we drove to a town right outside of Seoul there in there down town hare was a small restaurant. I had been at the restaurant before it was owned by a man by the name of Lee Yongsoo and his wife Olivia, since Olivia is German-America they serve food from all three cultures and its really good. As we entered the restaurant Jongup’s eyes gave a look of confusion, thought the place has modern style the people who were there were more ajumma and ajusshis then young people and that’s why I had chosen the place less people our age and younger meant more privacy for Jongup and I.

            Nick one of the owners eldest children greeted us then led us to a tabled to the back of the joint, and though I had only ask for a simple tabled not even mentioning that it was for a date, the table was decorated with some candles and small hearts scattered around the table. I smiled when I saw the look in Jongup’s beautiful brown eyes, he looked so happy and a smile bigger then usual was planted on his face. We sat there our fingers entwined as we ate breakfast.

            After breakfast our next stop was the Han River, it was about noon now and there was a Christmas festival at the Han River in Seoul. We spent until late afternoon there, and the last place we were to go was the Hilton which has a beautiful view of the Han River we were. After getting the key we made our way to our room, hand in hand fingers entwined as we were in the elevator.

            Once in the room Jongup roamed around looking at all the stuff in amazement it wasn’t the master suit for nothing, Jongup’s roaming gave me time to quickly and quietly seek to the huge bathroom where there was fitting to the huge bathroom a huge tub and what better way to end a winter date then with a nice warm bath. Once the water was at the right height and warmth with bubbles of cause, I made my way out of the bathroom and back in to the suit itself. Jongup was now randomly poking the pillows that looked extremely soft, I walked up behind Jongup placing my hands on his waist “got a relaxing bath ready for you” I said lovingly “Will you join me?” Jongup said in a very seductive voice I could feel my pants get tighter well tighter than they already were but never the less I shuck my head no, as much as I just wanted to press him down to this bed and bang him(lol) all night I knew sex on the first date was a call for disaster and a relationship ruined, not something I wanted I love Jongup way to much to lose him. I know taking a bath with him would just end up with us being all sweaty and naked.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2013 ⏰

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