Shikamaru fangirl~ the "Cry Baby" type

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Title: A better plushie.

Wiping the previous tears from your eyes you walk to the door and opened it. Seeing nobody was there you let a few more tears fall as you finally notice the huge package on your door step. You walk back inside your home and picked up the closest sharp thing you could find. Once you were by the package again you rubbed your teary eyes and cut the wrapper off the package. And with a sniffle you removed the lid and you were taken by surprised to see Shikamaru in there and he had a red bow on his head. He looked just as confused as you were. Not really caring anymore you reached in the box and lift him out as if he were just a little puppy, and walked inside before closing the door. When inside you drop him on his butt and he groaned angrily.

"Why did you just-"

But he quickly cut himself off as he noticed the tears freely falling down your face.

"Hey are you-"

He didn't get to finish that since you unexpectedly threw yourself in his arms and quietly sobbed. Shikamaru's eyes softened as he gently pat the top of your head soothingly.

"Hey- come on now don't cry. Now don't be such a cry baby."

He said jokingly but you knew he was just trying to cheer you up. Still...

"I am NOT a cry-baby! It's just..."

You trailed off and you cried even more and hugged him tighter. He just let you cry until you calmed before he asked,

"Now really tell me what's up."

He pushed staring you straight in the eyes making a hot blush burn your cheeks.


You mumbled removing yourself and turning away from him and poking your fingers together shyly.

"You see..."

You continue while taking a quick glance back at Shika to see him waiting patiently.

You sigh deeply.

"Well you see it was all stupid Naruto's fault!!" you said spinning around to him making him blink a few times, and scowled thinking about what Naruto had done and fold your arms angrily and turn back away from Shikamaru.

"What happened?"

Shikamaru said standing up and walking up to you and sitting down beside you and put an arm over your shoulder and chuckled. You puffed up your cheeks and huffed.

"Fine," you say blushing,"I'll tell you. You see um... I have a Plushie collection and-" You cringed as Shikamaru started laughing. "You have a plushie collection?! I knew you were a cry baby but come on! Plushies?!"

"Hey that's not true! It's not like it's a big hobby I just collect plushies of my friends! If it wasn't my favourite plush I wouldn't be so mad at Naruto!! Or even crying like this either so humph!"

You argued glaring at him as he crack up. You huffed and folded your arms while he cooled off.

"Okay okay I'm good. Now exactly what did he do to your plushie?"

He asked amusement clearly dancing around in his voice.

"He totally destroyed it! He was only teasing me about my collection similar to what you're doing." You mumbled the last part receiving a chuckle in return. "He was throwing it around then...then"

You couldn't bring yourself to say it as you burst into tears.

"Whoa! Hey enough with the crying already darn it!"

He shouted as your tears rained down on his head like a shower.


You wailed your tears pouring down harder. Shika growled lividly as he gripped your shoulders and tried to shake you out of it. Your tears broke glasses around the room and got the carpet soak and wet.

"You're such a troublesome cry baby. Just- argh which plushie did he destroy anyway?"

He sighed exhaustedly as you wiped away your tears and stared at him blushing.

"Well um... it was..." you averted your gaze and glanced around nervously. In truth your favourite plush was coincidently a Shikamaru one. You took it everywhere- on missions, to the grocery store, to your part-time-job, to bed- and it was the plushie you had the longest too. But all thanks to Naruto you would never see your poor plushie ever again. [Me: Wait just a second! Didn't Naruto say he was sorry and was going to pay you back for what he did? You: yeah he did... Me: You don't think he was the one who put Shika in that box... You: a gift to me for trashing my Shika doll! Me: I mean come on it isn't that hard to imagine since Shika was probably asleep all day long. And he was wrapped up as a present. So it's a possibility. Did you read the card...? ~Back to reality~]

"You know, I didn't..." You mumbled after you snapped out of it and walked over to your door way ignoring Shika and went outside and looked for a card on the big package on your step. You found one and it read:


Look I'm reeeaally sorry about your Shika doll.

And as a way to pay you back I kidnapped Shikamaru and shipped him to you.

You can have him for a few days he won't mind just ask.

He won't mind considering I put a jutsu on him making it impossible to leave unless you tell him to.

Or maybe he won't mind either way-oh well.

Hope he's a better plushie than your last.

I hope you can forgive me.

Ps: sorry about the toilet I'll see how I can fix that. He-he

Naruto U

You smile to yourself as you went back inside silently thanking Naruto and locked the door behind you.

"OH! Shika-kun!!"

You sang as you skipped over to him. He was leaning against the wall when he saw you coming and met you half way. You smile happily and wrapped your arms around his shoulders and rest your head in the crook of his neck. He blushed hotly also wrapping his hands around your waist and laying his head on yours.

"So I'm guessing the plushie was me, huh? What a drag."

You smiled against his neck.

'Ah bliss. Naruto you the best! Now all he has to do is fix my toilet...'

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