Neji fangirl~ the "Random Prankster" aka the "Quirky Idiosyncratic" type

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Title: Idle hands are the tool of the devil

Don't mind the rating its just [PG] not [PG-13] I just can't change it for some reason.

You were hiding quietly; Waiting for the right minute to strike. Your target was getting closer and didn't seem to sense your presence. Good. In the dark shade of the tree you were in a smirk takes over your lips. You ready yourself for the attack. You take a deep breath in and upon releasing it...

"OH MY GOD A TURTLE!!!" you hollered. You saw him pitch from the sudden scream and a panicked look crossed his face as he looked around ready to attack. You laughed your butt off. It was okay to laugh he couldn't find you anyway. Too funny!! But god you couldn't breathe!! Maybe it was because his hand was wrapped around your throat...HAHA just kidding! Neji had no idea where you were hiding. He was too busy defending himself against the nonexistent turtle. Laughing tears pooled your eyes as you gripped your aching side.

"Oh god I can't believe he fell for it." You say breathlessly; gripping your aching side tighter. Then suddenly something flopped onto your face and everything went dark. They jolt ceasing your laughter. You pull whatever off your face to see that it's a towel. You look down to see a fuming Neji fully recovered from the initial shock. Throwing towels in other peoples' face... The nerve of some people... You grin down at him and wave the towel side to side. "Hey Neji did you loss something?" you giggle then threw the towel back at him and he catches it.

"Get. Down. Here." He muttered darkly obviously mad that he fell for your dirty trick.

You smirk as you jump... well sort of fell from the tree making a lot of noise then landing on the ground -by some miracle- without a scratch. Neji looks over to you, you leaning against the trunk looking cool. "Yo." You say jerking your chin in his general direction. Neji sighs deeply and rolled his eyes. "Let's just get this over with" Neji groans as he starts walking. You hurriedly catch up you him.

"On the same topic about turtles from earlier, prior a few seconds ago... What do you think Neji, if you took away a turtles shell... would it be naked? Or homeless? Hm...?" You said as you both walked towards the hot springs together.

"Who cares...?" he deadpanned.

"Hm...I thought so too..." you mused rubbing your imaginary beard contemplating it. If you took away a turtles shell... would it be naked? Or homeless? Hm... It was a question that haunted your mind. While you were thinking this troublesome question over you ended up getting lost in your thoughts... no I mean literally you got lost in thought.

[You: *wondering around* Um...Hello...I'm sorta stuck here...Anyone out there to oh I don't know help me... Me: *pops out of nowhere* Hi ya... You: Oh hi *waves to me* Do you have a map to this place or maybe do you know where the nearest exit is? I'm lost. Me: *looks at you weirdly* I just popped out of nowhere and you just-never mind. *notices what you're sneakily doing* Hey what are you doing!! You: *turns around wide-eyed after being caught playing with a gun* Nothing... Me: Don't you dear lie to me!! Where the hell did you find that!!!!! You: What!? NO!!! This??? This isn't even really here! *throws gun to the side* you're just imagining things!! *laughs nervously* Me: The hell... anyway, anyway, anyway... um why are you here. I'm supposed to call you here not have you getting lost in thought and popping up here unannounced! It's not normal. And I'm always the conversation starter not you. Haven't you been reading the other one-shots? You: Now you see the problem there. Whoever said I was normal should be thrown in jail for blasphemy. And maybe I just like having the first word out, just saying. Oh yeah and regarding the first question like I said before. I. Got. Lost... No, no. I. Am. Lost. Yeah as we speak, I'm lost... Lost, lost, lost-ety, lost, lost. Me: FINE! I'll show you the exit...look behind you... You: *Turns around and Screams at top of lungs* Me: WHY DID YOU SCREAM??? You: *turns back around* I thought there was gonna be something there! You don't just out of the blue say 'look behind you' like that! Me: How was that out of the blue we were talking about the exit and it was right behind you. You: Nuh-uh!! If it was behind me I wudda- *turns around and see giant exit sign* -Oh look it's behind me... Me: ...You're weird... You: *curtsies * Thank you. Me: You know what! Just because I had to put up with you, come here I want you to do something for me as compensation. *pulls you over and whispers in ear* Bust it on Neji okay? You: OOOOO!! Hell yeah I will. Where did you learn this? Me: From the shuffles on You: Whaaa... Me: It's nothing just go. You: O'tay! *waves after receiving mission* Bye! *jumps through exit door heads first* Me: Hey. Hey!! No! You're supposed to fade back into reality!! *you already left* Read the other one-shots, dammit!! ~Back to Reality~]

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