Sai Fangirl~ the "Tsundere" type

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Sai Fangirl

The "Lonely Tsundere" Type

Title: You never know what your smile could mean to a person...or your jacket at that matter.

On a lonely bench you sat. You stare off blankly into the empty space before you. The sun was setting before your eyes and even though you gaze in that part of the sky it didn't reflect in your eyes. Your face was a vacant mask, but inside, you were anything but blank.

Who needs them anyway!

The night wind picks up sending your hair tussling back and forth. The wind never did have a specific direction. For a moment the wind just played with your hair, you continue to stare past everything and the sun continued its descent before, finally, there came a chip in your placid armour showing a crack of what you were feeling inside.

I could just leave! I could just leave it all behind...

The edge of your lips had trembled and your eyes glassed over. You bend your head a little closing your eyes against the tears then resting your head in the palm of your hand they went away. Slowly your hands curled into fists against your forehead.

Argh! I hate this!

Letting go of a shaky sigh you hug yourself rubbing your arms as the cold air of the night bit at your flesh. You hadn't paid the temperature any mind until then since your mind was already fully compacted. You didn't want to head home, not yet or not at all, but the cold was starting to make that a difficult feat to stay committed to. one will miss me... if I just go....

You hug yourself tighter, forgetting the cold, just to comfort yourself. Your shoulders stated to shake, whether because of the cold or not you didn't know.

Suddenly something warm is draped over your shoulders blanketing you in warmth. Startled you survey yourself and see a dull coloured fabric draped over your shoulders. You graze your fingertips over it welcoming the heat.

"Are you okay?" Your fingers froze. You look up at the person for the first time. You tilt your head at the young man before you. He had a smile on his face that looked strained as if no one ever taught him what a smile was supposed to look like and this was his first time ever using one.

"You're really pale." You say matter-of-factly disregarding his concern.

You always played tough and never were one to accept kindness from strangers. You weren't bothered to care at the moment.

He just lost a jacket... He sure as hell isn't getting this back anytime in this millennium

You continue to finger the pelt.

He tilts his head to one side, 'smile' still plastered on his face. "Yes but, what does that have to do with my question?" You frown at him peevishly.

"Are you making fun of me?" You growl curling your hand into a fist rearing to punch the creep's lights out.

"No I'm not." He tells you simply and you stare at him awestruck before huffing and throwing yourself back on the bench that you had somehow stood up from.

After a while of trying to ignore him you saw he wasn't leaving.

"I appreciate the jacket but I really don't need any company. What do you want?" You said glaring at him through your lashes.

"It looked like you were carrying an emotional burden so I thought I could help ease it. Won't you please share it with me?" He told you.

"Just because you gave me your jacket doesn't mean we're buddies alright. I hardly know you therefore I can't share my burdens with strangers-so there! Now flip off." Smiling smugly and slipping into the jacket he had given you earlier you went to walk past him but he appeared right in front of you.

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