Chapter 1

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    You and Warren Graham have been best friends ever since you started in Blackwell. You'd never thought you both would be an item because of his huge crush on Maxine Caulfield. Even though she doesn't think of Warren as more than a friend at all. Max is more interested with another girl named Chloe Price. You are very nerdy and nice. You only had a few friends since you are never noticed by anyone else. You wished that Warren returned his feelings for you. Because your love for him is strong. Will always be strong.

     You walked down the halls, looking for the tall boy. Avoiding other people walking your way, it wasn't long before you found him and as usual, he is talking to Max. You decided to listen to their conversation even though it feels wrong. But, you were just curious. "So, Max! U-Um, do you want to go to an amusement park with m-me tomorrow?" Warren stammered like an idiot, but you thought it was pretty adorable. Waiting for Max's answer, she simply said, "No, sorry Warren. Chloe and I are going to hang out today. Thanks for the offer."

    Watching Warren get rejected again made you a little pissed. He doesn't deserve this. He deserves to be happy. Max walks pass Warren, says hi to you and continues walking. By hearing your name, he turns around. "(Y/N)! Um, did you just see me getting rejected like a dumbass back there?" You nodded your head.

"Yes, but you're not a dumbass, Warren. Don't beat yourself up. Maxine can't be the only girl in the world that you're head over heels for." You lay a hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort the poor boy.

   "I know she isn't the only girl in the world. And I am a dumbass, (Y/N). I can't even ask out a girl without stuttering or looking stupid." Warren sighed, staring at the floor.

  "No, you're not. You're a smart guy, and you're fun being around. I bet Max would think the same thing. She just-..." You didn't want to hurt his feelings by telling him Max has feelings for another person, so you swallowed your words. "She just what?" Warren pryed. "Nothing, it doesn't matter. But whatever you do, don't give up on her." You looked up and gave him a sad smile.

You spun around and began to walk away from him. "(Y/N)..." You stopped in your tracks.

"Yes, Warren?"

"Would to go to an amusement park with me tomorrow?"

    Your eyes widen, and you spun around again, locking eyes with Warren. He grinned like a dork. And you loved that grin. "Sure." You smiled, walking towards him. Without any warning, he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you into an embrace. Your face burned bright red. "W-Warren?!" You squeaked. "You're so adorable, (Y/N)." The brunette chuckled and petted your hair. He loosened his arms around you, allowing you to be free.

    "S-So, which amusement park are we going to?" You asked the boy while walking him back to his dorm. "Oh you'll see. Tomorrow." Warren smiled. "Dude, don't leave me hangin'!" You punched his shoulder playfully. "Hey, hey. Don't be impatient now!" He laughed. "Fine, I'll wait." You huffed. Warren wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "That's a good girl!" You looked up and stared into his brown eyes. "Whatever, Graham."

    You both made it to the boy's dorm. Sad you couldn't go in with him now, but you were allowed to say goodbye to him. "See you, Warren. I hope we have alot of fun tomorrow." You smiled and turned around to walk back to your dorm. Only to be stopped by Warren grabbing your wrist and spinning you around. "Warr-!" You've been interrupted by him pressing his lips onto yours.

    You couldn't believe this. This has to be a dream. But it isn't. Your crush, Warren Graham, kissing you. It took you some time to sink into it and kiss him back. He smiled against the kiss. Moments later, he pulls apart from you. "W-Warren... I thought you were going to save the kiss for tomorrow." You whispered, blushing furiously. "Nope." He replied. Warren slowly backed away from you, still locked into your (e/c) eyes. "Oh, and remember when you said Max can't be the only girl in the world that I have fallen for?" He asked. You nodded.

"Well, you're right. I have moved on. Because now you're the only girl in the world that I have fallen for."

If you liked this story, please don't hesitate to tell me to create some more! Love you guys! <3

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