Day 9

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Slight trigger warning.


   After what felt like years, you were finally out of the hospital. They've offered you therapy, but you refused. You were sure that you can control yourself next time.

   You step foot onto Blackwell Academy grounds. The first person you wanted to see again, of course, was Warren to see how he was doing during your absence.

   It only took a few minutes to find your friend, but he was talking with Brooke Scott. You can see how he was getting kinda close with her, as if he had known her since childhood.

   'They're just friends.' You thought. "Nothing more, nothing less." You didn't realise the last part was said out loud and caused Warren to turn around. "Oh, hey (Name)!" He greets happily. "W-Warren! Hey!" You greet back awkwardly.

The brunette looked back to Brooke and smiled at her.

   "Brooke, meet (Name). (Name), meet Brooke. I believe you two know each other." He says. You nod your head. "I've heard about her, but we don't really talk much." You shrug. "Oh, this is (Name)? Why are you still hanging out with her if she... You know...?" Her words caused your eyes to widen.

She wouldn't think of that, would she?

   Warren looked at her, this time with disgust. "What did you just say?" He asks in an angry tone. "I heard from Stella. I know what happened. You're just denying it because, y'know..." She whispers, nudging him. "(Name) didn't do anything to me. I thought you were going to be different." He says and grabs your hand, getting ready to leave.

   "Wait!" Brooke grabs Warren's wrist. "I was just kidding! I thought you liked dark humour." She laughs. "Yeah, but not while the situation is still lingering around, didn't you know she almost died a few days ago?!" He shouts. "I know! I know! I'm really sorry. I'm not insensitive, I swear." Brooke lets go of his hand, hoping he'll stay.

"Well, (Name)? Should we believe her?" Warren looks at you. You look at him, then you look at Brooke. She looked genuinely sorry. 

You sigh, "We should."

He lets go of your hand.


   A couple hours later, you three were in the Two Whales diner. Warren sat next to you and Brooke sat across from you both. You all were eating with an awkward silence, until Brooke decided to speak.

   "Warren, you were so defensive towards (Name). I didn't know you guys were dating." You didn't react, but you knew he was going to deny it.

   Suddenly, you felt his arm around your shoulder. "Yep, we are. If anybody wants to do anything to (Name), they're going to have to get through me." He smiles. You felt stiff, he actually accepted the accusation.

   "I had a feeling. You two do make a good couple. Strange though, usually when kids hit it off immediately, they never talk again." Brooke says.

"What?" Warren glares at her.

"I was only joking." She says quickly.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." You say, sliding out of the booth and walking to the restroom.


   Warren watches you slip off from him and walk away. As soon as you were far from them, Brooke lays a hand on his. "You know you didn't have to lie, right?" She asks. The brunette awkwardly pulls his hand back. "Lie about what?" He asks.

   "(Name). You guys aren't together and I know it. Don't try to lie to me." She replies. "What makes you think I am?" Warren asks another question. "The way you look at me, the way you talk to me, the way you even smile at me. It was so much different from when you did it to her."

   "Oh yeah, I definitely gave you a different look compared to her." He rolls his eyes. "Admit it, you like me." Brooke stands up from her seat. "No, I don't." Warren says blandly. She gets out of her side of the booth and sits next to him.

   Warren was basically trapped at this point. It was his fault for taking the window seat. "Stop!" He warns her. "Kiss me first and I might." Brooke leans in towards Warren as he desperately tries to turn away. 


   "What do we have here?" You interrupt, causing Brooke to quickly turn her head to you. "Oh, hey, (Name). I was just keeping the seat warm for ya." You can hear the slight saltiness in her voice because she didn't get to finish the job.

   "Right, right." You say, watching her get out of the booth. Suddenly, Warren gets out as well and gently grabs your arm, taking you out of the diner with him.


   "Warren! What was that all about?" You ask him after he stops at the bus stop. "You should have said no when I asked if we should believe her." The brunette says. "What?" You look at him dumbfounded. "As soon as she brought up that stupid claim from earlier I wanted nothing to do with her. I would have been completely fine if you said we shouldn't believe her."

   "I thought you just wanted to make new friends." You say. "Of course I do. But not with the ones who want to bring up situations that caused you harm just for the hell of it. I care about you a lot, (Name). If somebody wants to hurt you, they're gonna have to go through me first. I don't care who they are." He responds.

   "I'm fine, Warren. You don't have to do that for me." You tell him. "It's not like I have to, but I want to. You mean the world to me." You blush at his words. "Besides, there is something I've been wanting to do for a while since you were in the hospital." Before you could say anything else, he pulls you close to him and presses his lips against yours. You did the same, feeling as this was the best moment of your life.

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