Day 2

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  The bell rang and you took your things before walking out of the classroom with your friend and Warren tagging along with you.

  "I'm guessing you made a new friend already." They gave a fake smile to you. "Yeah, I'm going to be showing him around the school." You look over to Warren, who was looking at the Vortex Club posters.

  "What's with all of these posters being everywhere?" He got closer to them. You look over to your friend who only gave you a shrug and walked off. You sigh and walked to Warren. "They're parties. Only snobby, rich people attend to them because they think they're better than anybody else and this one starts tonight."

  "Oh? Is that what you think? You never attended to these parties?" He asks. "No. I don't think I'm even allowed to sign up for the VIP spot." You answer. "Honestly (Name), this looks kind of fun."

Okay, so maybe he's a nerd who likes to party.

"But I mean, I wouldn't know because I've never been to a party before."

Or maybe not.

  "I mean, if you want to check it out, I'm not stopping you. But just promise me one thing." You place your hands together. "Don't be one of them." You see him smile. "I see someone is concerned about the new kid." He jokes. "Well, I don't want you to start off on the wrong foot." You put your hands on your hips.

  "I know, I know. But I think you should go with me." Warren suggests. "No way, not in a million years." You shake your head. "Come on! I mean, we're friends right? I want both of us to have fun! And since it's in the swimming pool, we could pretend that we're sea monsters and scare the shit out of people!"

  You laugh at the thought. "Okay fine, just one party. And that's it." You give in. "Alright, cool!" He chirps.


  You show him the boy's dorm. Principal Wells allowed you to show him where his dorm will be. You walk inside with Warren and stop walking in front of his door.

  "This is all yours! And you can write whatever you want on that slate." You point at the blank board. "Whatever? Okay." You watch him grab the marker and write something on the slate.

  "How's that?" Warren backs away, allowing you to see what he wrote. All he wrote was 'Warren Was Here'. "That's all you wrote? I thought you'd be an artist and draw something beautiful."

  The brunette chuckles and goes back to drawing. This time, it shows a lady stick figure with your name pointed at it. Seeing that made you blush. "Is that beautiful enough for you?" He asks. "I'm not beautiful! I'm a trash can!" You say to him. "As if." He gave the marker to you. "If you want, you can mark your territory."

  You smile and write '(Name) is a trash can' on the slate. Warren rolls his eyes playfully as you gave him back the marker. He goes and draws a carrot between 'is' and 'a' and writes 'not' at the top. "You are such a dork." You say to him. "I get that a lot." Warren shrugs.

  "Anyways, we should get changed and get ready for the party! See ya soon, alright?" Warren opens his door. "Yeah, sure!" And then you both went on your separate ways.


  You walk to the girls dorm and see Victoria and her crew sit on the steps. You don't even say anything to them as you walk up the steps, accidentally stepping on Victoria's hand.

  "Hey, watch it!" She warns, yanking her hand away from you.

  "Then don't sit where people have to walk, dumbass." Not wanting to hear what she has to say, you go in the girls dorm, getting ready for the party.

Because of Warren, many things changed.

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