Day 7

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It's been three days since what happened.

  Right now you're just staring at the hospital ceiling, pondering why you would think about suicide. You were stronger than this and you've been through this drama before in middle and high school. You look to your left, noticing balloons titled "Get well soon!" and "Feel better!" on them. "Yeah, right." You mumbled, grabbing the balloons. You tear them apart, feeling the air hit your face. "You people are just doing this so you look like the good guy." You say to yourself, throwing them on the ground.

   You hear a knock on your door and you look over to it. "Unless you're a nurse, don't come in." You tell them off, sitting up. The door opens, revealing Warren. He runs to you, hugging you tight. "Hey, I said nurses only." You say again, this time in a jokingly manner. "(Name), don't you ever scare me like that again." He hugs you tighter, ignoring your comment. "So, you heard about it too?" You ask him and he pulls away and sits on your bed. "Who hasn't? Even the people who don't even know you knows about what you almost did." Warren grabs on to your shoulders.

   "Honestly, Warren, I had no idea what got into me. I've been through this before because you know there's never been a time where there isn't a bitch crew in school. But I have never even thought about doing this until recently." You say, disappointed in yourself. "You aren't the type to kill yourself, (Name). When I heard that you grabbed those pills, I thought it was over. I also saw that Nathan Prescott saved you, I--" He stops. "Wait a minute, Nathan Prescott saved me? That's so unlike him." You shake your head.

   "Yeah, when he saw Victoria doing that to you, he got really pissed and followed you when you ran off." He said. "What about you?" You ask him.

  "Of course I went after you. How could I not? You're special to me, (Name)." Warren holds on to your hands, making you smile. "Really?" You squeeze his hands.

  "Yeah. I was just seconds behind him, I saw him burst through your door and come to your rescue. I just wish it was me in his place instead of him." He mumbles. "What was that?" You joke, hoping he would repeat his words.

  "I wish I was faster, so you could've been in my arms." He summarizes. "Somebody's jealous." You laugh. "Duh. The douchey guy gets the girl. It always happens." Warren sighs.

  "Who says I'm with Nathan?" You ask. "I-I never said you are, I just meant..." He lowers his head in shame, unable to find the right words. "It's okay, I know how it feels to be a dork." You smile at him.

  Warren lifts his head back up and stares at you, sometimes he would look at the floor and then back to you. After a few moments, he leans towards you.

Without realising, you started to do the same and you closed your eyes.

  Knocks were suddenly heard from the door, causing you to open your eyes and pull away. Warren sighs quietly in annoyance and looks at you.

  You look over to the door after giving him an apologetic look. "C-Come in!" You shout, allowing Warren to sit on the chair next to your bed.

   (Friend Name) bursts in, running over to you. "(Name)! Are you dumb?! Because I sure as hell am! How the hell could I have not noticed this was going to happen? I could've saved you!" They hug you tightly. "Ah! It's okay, I forgave you a long time ago, (Friend Name)." You give in to the hug.

   "I'm also really sorry if I seemed like a complete jerk this past week! It's just...somebody very important to me isn't with us anymore." They say, pulling away and taking a seat on your bed.

   "Really? I should be the one who's sorry! You should've told me, dumbo! I'm really sorry for your loss, though..." You look away. "What? No! That's not what I'm saying! I mean they moved to another country!" They clear up, causing you to make a displeased face.

"Are you kidding me?"


"You made it seem like somebody died, ya dipstick!" You yell.

"Okay, okay, that was my bad. But you don't understand how it feels!" They cross their arms.

   "And what about the time where you didn't want to tell me the story you told Warren because 'things change'?" You ask them. "I was a little jealous because it looked like you wanted to hang out with him more than me but I can see why you like to be with him." They reply.

   "And I was telling him about the dumb times we've been in. Like that one time where we were locked out of your mom's house and we had to sleep outside." They say, causing you to laugh. "Yeah, that was really dumb. Good times."

   You look over to Warren who was patiently waiting for your conversation to finish. You return your eyes to your friend. "Uhh, can we talk about this another time? I kinda feel sick." You tell them.

  "Oh, I get it, you're sick of me. I bet doctor Graham would fix you up real quick." They wiggle their eyebrows, getting up to leave. "Shut up!" You hit their shoulder. They laugh, walking out of the room. Warren quickly hops back to his spot and smiles at you.

"That was something." The brunette says, attempting to pick up a conversation.

  "Don't worry about 'em. We're both very emotional creatures." You laugh. "No doubt about that." He replies. "S-So, about earlier..." Warren blushes. "Yeah, t-that. Maybe we should save that for another time. Y'know, when I'm not in a room full of white because reasons." You laugh at your own joke.

  "Alright, I understand." He nods, getting up. "I gotta go. I sure do love studies, woo!" Warren says in a sarcastic tone. "Ugh, at least you're not me where I have to make up the work." You say, causing him to chuckle.

Suddenly, you felt his lips on your cheek.

  You held up your hand to the spot where you felt the soft muscle on and blushed a dark red. "See you soon." He says. "Y-Yeah, s-see ya." You watch him walk out of your room and you sink into your bed.

All that was in your head was, "This is progress, isn't it?"

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