Chapter 7

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This chapter takes place on the alternate timeline. So spoilers, I guess. Plus, this chapter has strong language.

   There he is, the one you've laid eyes on for a long time. Warren Graham, holding hands with Stella Hill. Standing outside in the cool breeze would be perfect if you weren't alone. It's too bad he's already with someone or else he would have been yours a long time ago. You heard he doesn't like people who are associated with the Vortex Club, so you left. Ignoring the people who were saying, "We'll miss you, (Name)!" or "We'll make your life a living hell for making this decision, (Name)." But the only comment that made you think about your decision was, "I'm disappointed, (Name). You were one of the best people the Vortex Club ever had. But I'll support you either way." Said by Victoria Chase.

   You never though she would say anything like that. Maybe weird things do really happen in Blackwell Academy. "Hey, (Name)." You hear somebody say next to you. "Still not over the nerd? I don't understand why you left the Vortex Club for that." They snorted. "Shut up, Nathan. You should be with the other members. You shouldn't even be talking to me." You roll your eyes. "Ah, c'mon. Can't we still be friends behind closed doors? Today's New Years Eve, don't knock me down." The older male chuckled. "What-thefuck-ever." You laugh.

   "Anyways, what do you want?" You look over to Nathan, still smiling. "For you to leave the guy who's taken and go for an available guy such as yours truly when the clock strikes twelve." He glares at the couple, who are laughing at each other's jokes. "Really? A Prescott is asking an average student out?" You gasp dramatically. "Hey, you might be average in everybody else's eyes (coughWARRENcough), excuse me. But to my eyes, you are more than that." You feel Nathan's hands grab yours.

   "I heard that, dude." You point out, glancing over to the spot Warren and Stella used to be, but not anymore. Sighing, you continue. "But you should be with someone who's in the club." You hear the older one groan. "Who gives a damn about who or who's not in the club? I just want to be with a person, regardless of their club status. And not just any person, one who has caught my eye ever since." Nathan smiles, pulling you closer to him. "I honestly thought you were joking you're serious." You awkwardly laugh. "Of course I was serious, idiot. Otherwise I would have never spoke to you again after you left like everybody else did."

   "Haha, well. Everyday you learn something new, huh?" You sheepishly smile. "(Name), you are the slowest to catch on something, I swear." Nathan shook his head. You open your mouth to say something, but somebody else beat you to it. "Hey, Nathan! What are you doing with a pleb like (Name)?!" They walk up to you two, causing Nathan to let go of you. "Whatever, Dana. What do you want now?" He turns away to face her. "You, me, midnight, fireworks, 2014." She says boldly, making you impressed. You didn't want to interrupt your conversation with the two members, so you've left them alone. "Hate to break it to you, but I already asked-- (Name)?" Nathan turns to face you again, only to find you missing. "Looks like she shot down your offer. You're mine, Prescott." Giggling, Dana locked arms with Nathan's, causing him to whine and mutter curses under his breath.


   You walk around the school grounds, having nothing better to do but pick flowers and look at the stars from the night sky. You squat down to pick off some flowers you find. But while you were doing that, you heard sobbing and sniffling on your left. You follow the noise, finding a tall figure sitting down on the floor, crying. "Hello? Are you alright?" You call out. "Does it look like I'm fucking alright to you?" The voice sounded familiar, but also hoarse. You facepalmed at your previous words. "You're right, you're right. Don't mind me. What happened, anyway?" You sat down next to them, noticing their face was buried in their hands. "Oh wouldn't you like to know. Someone from everybody's favorite couple decided not to be a couple anymore." Their breathing was very uneven.


"Are you deaf? Stella dumped me!"

It finally hits you, Warren was sitting here the entire time and it was too dark for you to notice.

"(Name), you are the slowest to catch on something, I swear." You hear the words from Nathan repeat in your head.  

   "(N-Name)? It was you the entire time? Sorry for taking my anger out on you." He sheepishly scratches the back of his neck. "It's okay, Warren. You can take it all out on me, I can handle it just fine." You smile at him. "No, no. I don't want to do that. Even if you are one of them." He sighs. "Was one of them. I left the Vortex Club a week ago." You correct him. "Seriously? But everybody loves you over there! Why did you leave?" Warren asks softly. "I left because I didn't want to be part of it anymore. Once you party too much, it just gets...old. Well, to me it does." You reply.

   "Yeah, I understand. I don't like parties. They get too out of hand." The brunette nods. "I'm glad you do...If you don't mind me asking, why did she end it with you?" After you asked, you hear a growl from him. "That's what I would like to know also! Why? Why, why, why?! We were going strong for 4 and a half months then all of a sudden, it's 'Warren I'm sorry but, we're not really working out.' On fucking New Years Eve!" Warren slams his fist on the grass, frustrated. You pity him for this situation. Suddenly, you saw a light bright enough to find his answers.

   "Warren, I think this is why she ended things with you." You nudge him and point towards the light. He looks up, finding Stella with another boy, laughing and joking around with him. Warren gives a sad smile. "Well." He began. "She never looked at me the way she looks at him." He chuckled. "I'm sorry." You comfort him, giving the brunette a hug. He sniffles again and hugs back. You pull away from him and look into his eyes. "Get up, it's about to be midnight."

   You stand up, pulling him up with you.

10, 9, 8...

   You hear your classmates chant around you two. "Warren, I hope things get better for you in 2014." You smile at him. "You too." The brunette suddenly pulls you into an embrace, earning a yelp from you.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1...

   Warren kisses your forehead.

Happy New Year!

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