Seventeen as your family/friends

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I was really bored...

I think this came out better than i expected

•your dad duh

•specifically the best dad in the world

•the kind of dad that holds your hand in public and when you complain he whines about how jeonghan doesnt wanna hold his hand in public and you give in and you would swing your hands back and forth

•the kind of dad who walks into your room at night before you sleep and kisses you on your cheek and says goodnight

•the kind of dad who sneaks you extra pocket money when jeonghan isnt looking

•the kind of dad who asks you "what did you learn in school today"

•the kind of dad who buys you anything you want behind jeonghans back

•the kind of dad who tells the worst dad jokes that make you roll your eyes but you still end up smiling

•your momma

•more specifically 'girlier dad' but mom works just as well

•both of you would braid each others hair

•you two would spend hours in jeonghans room flipping through fashion magazines and munching on cookies that you made together

•both of you would squeal over the kpop idols on tv and seungcheol would whine and get jealous and jeonghan would kiss him to shut him up

•the kind of mom who would be 100% supportive in any of your relationships

•the kind of mom who would walk you home from school even though youre a teenager already

•he would force you to call him 'mom' although hes of the opposite gender

•goes by the 'do anything sane you want if it makes you happy' policy

•your eldest brother

•very, very mysterious as he spends most of his time at his friends house or late-night partying

•but you still know he loves you a lot

•by the way he makes you chocolate chip banana pancakes when you are sick

•by the way he patiently teaches you the latest video games

•by the way he kisses you all over your face when you are sad

•by the way he tells you puns and jokes so you can go against soonyoung and seokmin or tell them to your friends

•by the way he gives you himself for your birthday present

•at night he would go into your room regardless if you were asleep or not and kiss you goodnight with party confetti in his hair

•your second eldest brother

•the type of brother who wakes you up by splashing cold water all over your face and if it doesnt work he would resort to tickling

•he would play mario kart with you and his bestie seokmin and he would be yoshi

•him and seokmin are friendship goals

•him and seokmin are continuosly (lovingly) torturing you with their puns

•nevertheless he is a sweet oppa who lends you his lap or shoulder if you are tired

•the type of brother who would shamelessly announce youre his sister at school and link arms with you

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