Gone Wrong

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This one's for you Nhi! Hope you like it and sorry it took so long, I just had to make it perfect.

Nhi's POV

Shawn's been working hard in the studio lately and I want to take him out for a break. Around 12pm I drove over to the studio and walked in.

I knocked lightly on the familiar wood of the door which I knew Shawn was behind.

There was some shuffling around and then he opened the door. "Princess you here" he says squeezing me in a tight hug.

"Come Shawn let's go" I say pulling his hand. "Wait where are we going I have to work Nhi." "Yes baby I understand but you need a break now let's go" I say tugging on his hand like a small child. 

"Ok fine" he say giving in. Shawn grabs his leather jacket which I love and puts it on as we head out the door.

We get to the car and I get in the driver's side and Shawn gets in the passenger side. I pull out of the studio parking lot and start the drive to the nearest starbucks.

Once we get there I get out of the car before Shawn can say anything and enter the small coffee shop as the smell of the coffee fills my nose.

I walk up to the counter and order a frappuccino for myself and a green tea for Shawn. The cashier hands me my order and I just pass her a 10$ bill and tell her to keep the change.

I walk out the door and when Shawn see's me coming he reaches over and opens the driver's door for me from inside the car. I send him a small smile and sit down placing the drinks in the cupholders.

I pull out of the parking lot and begin the drive home where we can relax for a bit and then i'll drive Shawn back to the studio.

I pull in the driveway and Shawn grabs the keys to unlock the front door. He let's the door open and let's me go first. I set the drinks on the counter and slip off my shoes. Shawn follows my actions and takes off his shoes and leaves them by the door. 

I carry our drinks over to the couch and set them on the coffee table. We sit down on the couch and I pull a blanket over us as we sip our drinks.

We were just having a nice relaxing time talking about upcoming events, old times and other stuff.

I was snuggled into Shawn with his arm wrapped around me tightly and I suddenly got an idea.

Everything has been kind of stressful lately since Shawn has been so busy so I decided to lighten the mood a bit.

I turned over and sat on Shawn's lap so I was now straddling him. He had his drink in his hand and I placed soft kisses on his cheek while he drank his drink, I watched as he began to take a long sip of his drink. Now was perfect. As he was drinking I reached my hands up and squeezed the cup.

The liquids shot up and splashed him in the face so he was covered in the green liquid.

"Nhi what the hell was that for" Shawn growled in anger. I just sat there in shock trying so hard not to laugh. "You think this is funny, i'm going to be late to the studio now that I have to wash the shit out of my hair.

"Ok i'm sorry" I said still laughing. "Wow really mature Nhi" he grunted. "Wow sorry mr grumpy pants." "Be quiet Nhi that wasn't fucking funny." 

"Ok Shawny i'm sorry" I whimpered wrapping my arms around his neck and pecking small kisses on his cheek. "aww no Nhi i'm sorry I don't know what I was doing, it was just a joke and besides your too adorable to be mad at." "I love you Shawny." "I love you too Nhi, all this was a prank gone wrong."


Cute but Random one requested by my best friend Nhi! I hope you liked it Nhi!!! musicalForMendes

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