Something Special

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Shawn remembers the exact day your gorgeous self stepped into his life and he remembers exactly how it went.

When you met Shawn he was the handsome, fluffy haired, Canadian boy with angelic vocals and millions of followers and fans that he's always been.

But what surprised him the most about you, was that you were different than any other fan he had encountered on the street, he didn't expect that.

When the two of you first met you politely approached him and said, "hi, your Shawn Mendes, right? I'm y/n and I'm really big fan of your music."

You kept your cool and spoke to him as if you were speaking to an old friend whom you've know for years.

Of course he smiled down at you and thanked you for supporting him.

Before you left, you asked him if he would mind answering a question you had for him.

He smiled at you once more and replied with, "yeah of course."

So you asked him, "how are you Shawn?"

Despite being such a simple question, it still surprised him none the less.

It was surprising to him to hear a fan ask about how he was doing.

Most other fans would hug him tightly and or cry and scream, no fan has ever really asked how he was doing before.

"I'm uh good, yeah, I'm doing really good. I'm very happy at the moment actually, I have a lot of music in the works and it puts a smile on my face to get to see my fans while I'm on tour. I do miss my family though" he answered.

You had smiled up at him, interest gleaming in your eyes as every word parted his soft pink lips.

"I don't normally do this but do you wanna sit down and grab a coffee with me?" Shawn smiled, he had instantly taken a liking to you, there was something different about you.

You agreed and together the two of you talked as the day slowly passed by.

Overall Shawn had been surprised by how kind and considerate you were, you treated him like every other teenage guy and just by spending that afternoon with you, he knew that he wanted to see you again.

"Hey y/n, I don't normally do this either" he chuckles, "but I really enjoyed your company today and I think I wanna see you again" he smiled, a blush making its way to his cheeks.

"Do you mind if I get your number?"

You gave him a sweet smile and exchanged phones.

Shawn said, "feel free to text me anytime."

• • •

After that day it took you a few days to send Shawn a text, not wanting to be clingy.

But once Shawn saw your name light up on his phone a smile had appeared on his face.

The two of you texted often and Shawn thought of you as a close friend rather than a fan.

Everyday you would always check up on him and ask him how he's doing, just like you did when you first met him.

Eventually, you were more than just Shawn's "friend" you were special to him, and he wanted you to know that.

You loved Shawn and he loved you, you are his "something special"


Word count: 549

Just a cute l'il idea that popped into my head ((:
What did you guys think?

My rant book will be going up on megwritten soon

Love you my friends (yes here we're all friends <3 and I love you all)
-Megan xx

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