I Owe You

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Requested by my lovely friend Nhi aka @musicalForMendes, hope you like it!

Comment telling me what type of imagine I should do next!

Your Pov

Since today is thanksgiving my boyfriend Shawn was invited to a thanksgiving in America, where some of his American family live.

Shawn was offered to bring me along as well so two days before thanksgiving we flew out to be with his family.

Soon enough we were outside his aunts house where the dinner was being held.

Shawn tapped lightly on the front door and soon after a skinny woman with brown hair and red lipstick on, appeared at the door.

"Ahh Shawn, look at you" she squealed, tackling him in a tight squeeze.

"Hi aunt Jenn" Shawn smiled, hugging her in return.

"Come in, come" she opened the door a little wider and we stepped inside.

The delightful smell of thanksgiving dinner filled the room.

I shook off my shoes, leaving them on the doormat, Shawn helps me peel off my coat and places it on the coat rack, I stretch my arms out and pull down the sleeves of my comfy knit sweater.

For a little while we all sat on the couch and listened to Shawn telling stories about his tour and all the places he visited.

The whole time he was speaking their eyes were intently glued to his in utter fascination.

Every once in a while I would chip in on the conversation to remind Shawn about a little detail he would miss, and he would smile at me and start reminiscing about that memory.

Although every time the words left my mouth, his family would all snap their heads toward me and give me look of disgust as if I have no right to speak.

I would glance around the room and I would notice Karen, Shawn's mother sending me looks of sympathy.

Thankfully dinner came quickly and we all sat around at the table and patiently waited for the food to be brought out.

"How about before the food comes in we go around the table and each say something were thankful for" Shawn's grandma suggests.

Everyone god around the table taking their turn and it comes to Shawn.

"I'm thankful to have this beautiful, amazing girl as my girlfriend" Shawn smiles, kissing my cheek.

"Oh um Shawn, didn't you wanna say something more practical, like your family or something" his aunt says, her fists clenched, her face is tight with a fake smile planted on it as she try's to stay calm.

"Well yeah I'm thankful for you guys too but I really love her."

His aunt rolls her eyes and busies herself my fixing the decor on the table.

"How about you honey, what are you thankful for" Shawn's mom smiles a genuine smile.

"Um, I'm thankful to have a roof over my head, to have both my parents around and to have an amazing boyfriend" I smile.

Shawn's aunt stifles a snarl and rolls her eyes.

I sigh and divert my gaze to the floor not really feeling wanted in the room, the only exception is Shawn's mom who keeps giving me sad apologetic smiles from across the table.

Shawn notices my discomfort and places his large hand gently on my thigh.

I smile up at him a peck him on the lips.

"Darling, would you mind not shoving your tongue down my nephews throat, were trying to eat here and it's disgusting to see you two basically having throat sex at the table" she snarls through gritted teeth.

"Jenn!, can you not be happy for these two, she is a lovely girl, how can you not see that" Shawn's mom shouts, her voice raising as she stands up from the table.

I couldn't take it anymore, I stood up throwing my napkin on the table and ran out the front door into the crisp fall air.

I relax my body and take a seat on the steps of the front porch.

My body shivers as I wrap my arms around my body tightly.

A few moments later the front door opens and a large figure comes and sits beside me.

"I'm really sorry about them" he says sending me a weak smile.

"It's fine, I just really wanted them to like me" I sniff wiping a tear from my eye.

"Baby it's fine, don't cry over them, their not worth your tears" Shawn says, tracing small circles on my back.

"We're going home anyway, tonight."

The door behind us cracks open and out comes Shawn's mom carrying all our luggage.

"And I'm coming too, I can't stand to be around my sister at this time, she's turned very bitter" Shawn's mom explains.

"Come on we're heading off to the airport where we can go home and have a PROPER thanksgiving as a PROPER family would" Shawn's mom smiles pulling us both into a hug.

"But wait, its not thanksgiving in Canada, it's already passed, what are we gonna have another thanksgiving" I say, a puzzled look forming on my face.

"Well I think after this disaster of a thanksgiving, I owe you another one" Shawn says, finishing off with a cheeky wink.

He wraps his arm tightly around my waist as we walk towards the car, "I love you" Shawn stops to lean against the rental car.

"I love you too", I smile placing my hands on his chest as he leans his forehead on mine, I connect my lips to his.

"I can't wait for the thanksgiving I'm owed" a smile tugs at my lips as I take my finger and tap Shawn's nose lightly.

"Yeah, just don't let me forget okay?"

"Oh believe me I won't forget"

And I made sure he didn't.


Nhi I hope you like this!!

I wasn't so sure if I like this one but idk it doesn't matter as long as my bestie Nhi aka @musicalForMendes is happy with it.

Currently working on requests!!

-meg xx

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