I. ♥♥♥first part♥♥♥

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"Please tell me why." as he begged at the man in front of him "Please at least tell me why kaname"
"Don't ever come back here Kiryu" then he turned his back at the begging man without any guilt in his heart

Zero continue outside their mansion 'no it's the Kuran Mansion not ours' he said in his mind
"I think we waited enough" putting his left hand at the small dump in his stomach "sorry my child but I think your father doesn't have any right to know your his, I'm sorry" he continued

~~~Time Skip~~~ 5years

"Kairi come back here your father might finish your ice cream!" Zero shouted at the child in the playground
"Mama!" the child shouted as he ran where Zero was...
"Oh! Its Roze-chan, Good afternoon" one of the mother's in the playground great him
"Good afternoon as well Sakura-chan" giving his humble smile in the lady
The town where he and his family is just a small town everyone in the town know what he is but their still kind enough not to treat him like a freak... his hair is longer than his brother's hair that's why he looks a girl but even though they know that his a boy even he looks like a girl they give her a new name and that is Takamiya Roze. Takamiya was his boyfriends last name so they thought that maybe it is can be his new name already and he agree to it
"We should go home your father have a surprise for you" he then smile at the town people around

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