II. ♥♥♥second part♥♥♥

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"We should go home your father have a surprise for you" he then smile at the people around
"Yay! Mama faster I wanna see Papa." Kairi said running to the way of their house. He smiled looking at his excited son
"OK OK don't run wait for Mama" he said following his son.
"What took you so long I finished eating your ice cream already" Kaito said at his son as he carry him
"Hick!Hick!" Kairi started sobbing
Zero smacked the back of the head of his boyfriend
"Ow! That hurts you know" Kaito said looking at Zero
"Your father is just kidding you." Zero said to Kairi
"Yes, Yes I was just kidding baby. So stop crying you don't want your mama hurting papa right" Kaito said
After hearing what his father said Kairi stopped sobbing
"No! Kairi don't want mama hurt papa no more" after hearing it Kaito smirk at Zero
"Oh! Baby your mama will cry" Zero glare at Kaito
"Oh, baby your father will sleep outside" Zero said using the same tone of Kaito
"Come on love you can't let your lover sleep outside you know and maybe we should already enter inside before Kairi catch a cold" Kaito said as he carry Kairi in his right hand and hold Zero's hand in his left
The family entered the house without noticing the angry glare from the man at behind the tree


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