IV. ♥♥♥ fourth part ♥♥♥

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"Come on love you can't let your lover sleep outside you know and maybe we should already enter inside before Kairi catch a cold" Kaito said as he carry Kairi in his right hand and hold Zero's hand in his left
Seeing them was making Kaname jealous 'I'm the one who was supposed to be there and not you Takamiya-san' that was his thoughts.
"Kaname-sama do you want to go home now" Hanabusa ask Kaname
"Yes" and that was his the last word he said until they reach the mansion.
"So what is it that your hiding from me?" Zero said to Kaito after he put his son into sleep
"I have a news about the Kuran's" Zero looked at Kaito you can see that his really shock that they would talk about the Kuran's especially that he knows that Kaito hated 'that man' with god knows why "The little princess said that she is ready to be married" Kaito continued and look at Zero "Well I don't know if it is good or bad news to you" 'but for me it is a good news' Kaito thought.
"Well I guess the time has come" Zero said as he stared at the moon sadly 'I guess it's really over for us then' he thought
"Kaname-sama would you like me to investigate about the child of Kiryu Zero" Hanabusa said
"Why would I ask you to do something like that?" Kaname replied to hanabusa
"To tell you the truth Kanama-sama I'm also curious about the child I want to know if if..." Hanabusa was having a hard time finishing his word
"If what Aidou-kun" Kaname said obviously loosing his patience
"ifthatchildwasyoursornotkanamesama" Hanabusa said too fast for Kaname's liking
"Speak slowly Aidou" Kaname said looking at Hanabusa seriously
"I said that I want to know if that child was yours or not kaname-sama" hanabusa said "I'm really curious because that child looks a lot like you but if his really your child what would you do Kaname-sama?" he continued
"I--" Kaname wasn't able to finish what he wanted to say because someone forcefully opened the door
"Kaname my love why didn't you answer my call" the women said as she stepped inside the office when she saw Hanabusa she glared at him
"Ahm.. I think it's time for me to take my leave Kaname-sama, Yuki-sama" hanabusa said nervously
"So why didn't you answer my calls kaname-sama" yuki said as soon as Hanabusa is out "And what child are you guys talking about" she continued.
"I think you shouldn't listen when I'm talking to someone especially if it doesn't have anything to do with you." Kaname said coldly at Yuki
"But" Yuki started but stopped by Kaname
"Enough, why are you here anyway I don't remember calling you"
"Ah, I want to talk to you about our marriage" Yuki said looking at Kaname while having her 'innocent' smile "I want it to be as soon as possible Kaname" she continued. Kaname looked at her blankly
"About that" Kaname said looking at Yuki.
"So you have given thoughts about it already" Kaname can hear the excitement in Yuki's voice
"I want our engagement -----" Kaname said.


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