IX. ♥♥♥ nineth part ♥♥♥

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"Takamiya-san you can't hide the truth forever" Kaname said looking at Zerk seriously and then he wlaked near at Zero then hold his shoulders "and you can't hide from me Zero you can try to run but I can still find you" he added letting Zero go and with that Kaname left leaving Zero in lost in thought near the door.
'What the should I do? Should I hide Kairi? No, I can't hide my son. How about going to other place? No, that is also not an option because he already found me once there is no way that he wouldn't be able to find me again' Zero's thoughts
"Ze--,Roze , ZERO!!" Kaito shouted to get Zero's attention.
"Kaito, What's wrong?" Zero looking at his worried lover
"I've been calling your name several times now" Kaito answered him
"Sorry it's just that ... I've been thinking about something... something that I shoundn't" Zero cannot explain his thought to Kaito because he was afraid of his own thoughts.
When Kaito notice that Zero is going back to his thought he suddenly hugged him which shock Zero.
"It's gonna be okay, wheir gonna be just fine you don't need to think about what happened to much. I promise I will do anything to make sure that he wouldn't be able to take 'OUR' child." Zero noticed the change of tone in Kaito's voice.
"I wish I didn't fall for his bluffs before and this wouldn't have happened to me " Zero looked at Kaito in the eyes " to us and Kairi would really be our child and not his" Zero continued in a very low voice that if they waren't that close he would be able to hear it.
"I don't care about that Zero" Kaito put his right hand to touch Zero's cheek "You are no longer the Zero Kiryu who foolishly fell in love with a rich bastard but now you are Roze Takamiya my wife and the mother or my son Kairi" Kaito said proudly and that simply made Zero smile
"You're right, what am I thinking? I am already a mother and no longer a foolish brat" Zero said looking at Kaito in the eyes again
When they were about to kiss they heard a soft knocks from the door.
"Mommy, I'm scared" Koori said at the other side of the door. Kaito looked at Zero with puppy eyes but Zero just laugh at him
"I'm coming baby" Zero said walking to the door. When he opened the door he notice his child holding a large stuff toy. A black rabbit which is oddly familiar to him. It looks exactly the rabbit in the Kuran Mansion
"Koori who gave you that rabbit?" He ask his child as he pick him up walking to Kaito's side
"The man that looks like koori gave it to koori he said that since koori looks like him it's ok to let him have his treasure." The child was so happy saying it that he didn't notice the change of the atmosphere of his mother. Zero's mind was now in chaos he didn't know that Kaname would really do something like this to him. Zero looked in Kaito's eyes as he hugged his child as if his trying to hide him from the world.
"What did I ever do to have this kind of treatment to him?" Zero asked outloud but wasn't really expecting any answer from anyone.

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