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Suga's P.O.V
"Suga,please take a seat,anywhere"
I saw almost every girl in the class try to push the person sitting beside them,and making it obvious that there was an empty space beside them.ALMOST.
There was one girl who didn't care at all,with her head on her desk,and her light brown hair sprawled everywhere.Well,I don't think she'll be distracting me much.I took a seat beside her,and surprisingly the girls in this class didn't give her any cold glares or anything.Instead,they smiled at us.
"Of course,he would pick our cutie Yoo Jiae!"
"Who could resist the queenka?"
"They look cute together!"
Geesh.Yoo Jiae.A girl with the same name as my childhood best friend.They can't possibly have the same personality,right?
Jiae's P.O.V
Ok,Jiae,think!Think!Are you sure that's Yoongi's face?Yeah well I'm heck sure that it's an splitting image I mean like have you SEEN His face.Well yes I have seen his face.Am I seriously talking to myself right now.Thank goodness my head and face is covered by my arms.Since I'm sprawled on the table.Alright,breathe in,breathe out.Maybe it's not yoongi,and this suga guy just happens to look like him and have the same surname too.I should pay attention to the lesson now,but I don't hear my teacher teaching though.
I looked up and saw my teacher was not in the classroom.Where's that Suga boy though,Maybe he went to the wash-"Ahhh!"
I had a shock when I saw him beside me.Oh,he probably chose to sit next to me.Ohhhhh noooo,what do I do?Is my hair alright?Is my uniform crumpled?Wait what are you doing Yoo Jiae!?Get your mind together!
"Hey,you alright?"
I was frozen when he put his hand on my shoulder and asked me.I tried to calm myself down.
"Umm,yeah.Where's seonsaeng-nim though?"
I turned around to talk to him and his eyes largened.He then gulped.
"U-Umm,h-he went to t-the washroom"
"Ohh,ok.Oh right!I...forgot to introduce myself.I'm Yoo Jiae..."
I muttered while bowing a little and holding out my hand for a handshake.He gave me a soft smile,before shaking my hand.
"I'm Min Suga"
Sugas P.O.V
It was now recess time.I went to look for the other six idiots whom I hang out with.Why am I even friends with them.Maybe it's because only they can handle my swag.
"Sugaaaaaa hyuuuunnngggg"
I saw them running towards me before they gave me a crashing hug.Ugghhh.Why d I still love them.
I was actually friends with them before I transferred schools.You could say we were the best of friends.I was friends with them after I lost contact with my childhood friend,Jiae...
We grabbed some food before sitting down at a table. I noticed a group of girls chatting at the table beside us.Some of them waved their hands at Bangtan,and they waved back.
"Who's that?"
"The 'good' queenkas,Lovelyz"
I spotted Jiae among them.So she's a queenka...
"Wait,there are 'bad' queenkas?"
Bangtan looked at me with a 'durh' expression on their face.I rolled my eyes and ate my food.Jiae somehow came to my mind.She looked so much like my childhood friend Jiae...I miss her.
"You've been thinking to yourself and like staring into blank space for quite some time now!"
I gave a sheepish smile and apologised.Lunch was soon over and I return back to class and took my seat with Jiae.
"Ugh,I'm so full"
She whined.I chuckled.She blew her fringe off her face before saying,
"I'm going to be as big as an elephant soon!"
She chuckled.Ibgave her a weak and small smile.Elephant was the nickname I used to give to my friend Jiae.She often said that when she was young too.But never became one anyway,still stick thin.
Right then,the teacher entered the classroom.
"Class,I'm going to assign you with a project!Its going to be fun this time!I swear!"
Miss Lee exclaimed with enthusiasm.You have got to be kidding me.What kind of project is fun?!
"You are going to partner up with the person sitting beside you,and write about things in common with each other!You are given the whole week to discuss and present your work to the class!Its best to make it funny too!"
Jiae and I looked at each other.Do we even have things in common?I stared into her brown orbs for a while until she coughed.Her cheeks started turning into a light shade of pink,as she looked away from me.Cute.
" about I head over to your house tomorrow?"
I suggested to her.She looked up at me.
"Alright!Sounds good to me!"
The day was soon over.I had gotten a little closer to Jiae,but not that close.I headed home while thinking about random things again.Should I dye my hair back to pink?Hmm.I returned home soon after.I think my mum went grocery shopping.My dad was still at work.
I took a shower before observing her roller skates again.Still in good shape.I wonder if she got the note I put in my plastic bag.It was actually a love letter.I wanted to confess though,but I was too much of a scaredy cat that time.So in the end I didn't give her the note.But then clumsy me took her plastic bag,and left my plastic bag there instead.I sighed.I wonder if she ever got the note.But that blur elephant was always clueless about everything,I'm sure she doesn't understand if she read it then.I'm not sure.
I looked at the picture of us in a picture frame on a cupboard near my bed.That Yoo Jiae i met just now,who exactly is she?I need to find out more.I can't tell her my real name is Yoongi yet.I'll go with Suga for now.
A/N:Hi there!I'm here to say that this story will have slow updates,and I'll focus more on my other two ongoing stories.Butthe updates won't be that slow of course!Maybe once every a week and a half I guess?Thank you for reading!

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