Meeting your parents+A loud,late 'Fighting!'

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Jiae's P.O.V
I woke up early today.I don't really have a reason though.I just felt like it.I washed up and hanged into my school uniform before going down to have breakfast.I stepped into the kitchen to find two people I had never seen before.I grabbed a frying pan nearby,thinking they were robbers or something.I approached them quietly,and they turned to me.
"Wooooaaahhh!!!Calm down young lady!"
"Who are you?"
"We're Yoongi's parents!"
Wow that's a great first impression Yoo Jiae,good job.
"Ahhhh!I'm so sorry!I thought you were intruders!"
They chuckled as I put the frying pan down.My cheeks went bright red.Oh deaaaarrr,I forgot that Yoongi told me his parents were back!
We sat at the dining table where his mom served me a  plate of bacon and eggs.
"Try it out!"
She told me as I smiled at them.
Please taste good.Please taste good.
I took a bite,and many bites after that.It was really good,how could a simple plate of bacon and eggs tast this good!?I'm addicted!!!
They chuckled as my cheeks turned bright red again.Oh,I forgot they were there.
"Does it taste good?"
I put both my thumbs up.
"It tastes great!!!"
"Yoongi likes girls who can eat well"
His dad mentioned as I blushed again.I'm a blushing mess aren't i.
"So you'll be staying here?"
His mom asked me.
"Well,yes,for the time-being,but I can move out of you want me to-
"Nonono!Our son barely communicates or interact with girls,the fact that he's good friends with you and even offered you a place to stay here is already great!And we don't mind it at all!"
His mom said and his father continued.
"Besides,if you were to move out,where would you stay?"
I looked down and sighed.True though,I wouldn't have anywhere else to stay if Yoongi hadn't offered me a place to stay.He did so much for me.
"Don't worry,we know what your parents did to you.Its alright,we'll treat you like our own daughter!"
I looked up with a smile.If only my parents were this kind.
"Thank you so much"
I smiled gratefully at them before we heard a door slam open.
Yoongi came out shouting,all prepared.
They chuckled before giving him a small hug and pushing him out of the door and into the car with me so we could head off to school.
"Have fun!"
We waved at them until they were out of sight.
"Umm,did my parents say anything inappropriate?They're kind of embarrassing sometimes"
He asked as I shook my head.
"They're really nice"
"That's good"
We reached school and rushed to class.Right when we stepped into the classroom,the bell rang and our teacher came in.
"Alright Class!So tomorrow is Friday and that means there's assembly before the end of the day!So is there anyone who wants to put up a performance?Besides Min Suga?"
Min Yoongi?
"Um but I don't remember volunteering to perform though?"
He said.
"Oh your six friends volunteered for you"
She said before asking the class again.I turned to Yoongi to see his mouth agape with a dumbfounded expression.Ohhh,I can already picture what's going to happen to the six idiots during lunch break.Poor them.I closed Yoongi's mouth for him.
"I'm going to die"
He said while sighing as I chuckled.More like the six idiots are going to die.
"Seems that you're the one that can't sleep today,huh?"
I asked as Yoongi climbed into my bed,laying down next to me,when I was just about to sleep before he interrupted.
"I guess so.I'm nervous about tomorrow.All because of those six boys.Aisshh"
He groaned while I chuckled.
"Are you going to do one of your self-composed songs?"
He nodded.
"I'll do a short rap"
"Yay!Don't worry,it's going to be fine.You're a great composer and your raps are the best!Too much swag!!!"
He laughed.
"Yah,will you be supporting me?"
"Of course!I'll be in the front row with Bangtan and Lovelyz,chanting your name until everyone is irritated by me!Besides,best friends always support each other!"
I said before yawning.
"Hey,get out of my room.I wanna sleep"
"Psh.Ani!I'll stay here till midnight!"
"Suit yourself!"
I said as I turned off the lamp and drifted off to sleep.
Yoongi's P.O.V
I lingered there for a while.Best friend huh?So she sees me that way...Do I see her as a best friend?Or something more?I mean,my heart thumps when I'm with her,and I'm filled with joy.Like she makes all my problems fade away.Like my vitamin.Always there to support me,and I feel weird when she's not happy and all.
I sighed.
Yoo Jiae,you make me feel weird and mess up my feelings.
"Sweet dreams"
I gave her a forehead kiss before heading out to my own room to sleep.Its going to be a long day tomorrow.
Jiae's P.O.V
5 minutes till his performance starts.I made my way to the hall,wanting to be there first,when someone called out to me.
"Jiae unnie,I left my phone in the girl's washroom,but I'm too scared to go back in because there's a spider in there"
"Ahh,it's alright,Unnie will get it for you!"
I went in the girl's washroom to find her phone,but saw it nowhere.
"Where did you leave-
The door slammed and the sound of keys rang into my ears.I quickly ran to the door and tried to open it,but to no avail.It was locked.
I called out.
No reply.Great,just great.I'm locked in here.Those girls were probably fangirls of Yoongi.
I huffed before leaning on the door.I looked at my watch,his performance should be starting now.I'm not giving up.
I started banging on the door and shouting,while my head was filled with thoughts other than 'help me'
Min Yoongi,just who are you that you could make me want to be by your side everytime,everyday?Making sacrifices and not giving up just to support you?You have many people out there giving you support,but why do I still insist on supporting too?Maybe it's just simply because you're my best friend?Or something more to me...
I gasped when the door opened and the janitor stood there.I thanked him before running to the hall.Quick,almost there,he was just about to start his performance,and I could tell his eyes were wandering around.The hall was dead quiet.And...I'm here!
"Min Suga Fighting!"
I yelled loudly.Too loud actually.I made my way to the front.I could see his smile and eyes on me,and he began rapping.
I started the shouts and cheers before everyone joined me.I watched him,proudly for no reason.
Oh well,no matter what,I'll always be there for you,and you'll be there for me,Min Yoongi.
//That night,in Yoongi's room//
"Gosh,you shouldn't have shouted and cheered that loud,baby elephant"
He said as I stuck out my tongue at him while he passed me a cup of tea good for the throat.I guess I shouted too loudly and my throat hurt.
I told him the whole story of me getting locked in there,but I of course left out the part about my feelings.
He laughed a lot.
"Well that's my brave and persistent elephant!"
I smiled before taking a sip of the tea before he spoke.
"Thanks for supporting me though,it helped a lot"
We both smiled again.
"Well,that's what...friends...are for,right?"
He nodded.
"Well goodnight then Yoongi,you must be tired"
"You too,rest well,and sweet dreams"
"Sweet dreams!"
He always ends his sentence with that when he talks to me at night.He always wishes that,and I wish him that back.Oh well,typical habits.
I wonder what next week brings though.
A/N:DASHI RUN RUN RUN NAN MEOMCHUL SUGA EOBSEO.I will run for you,Bangtan and run and for you could actually be joined together.Run for you...Special stage?I wish.Still impatiently waiting for interactions though!Both their albums are fire...I hope Lovelyz can get their first win and Bangtan could win too.

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