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Jiae's P.O.V
I froze.Suga wrapped his arm around me while facing the rest of my family and that other guy's family.
"What?!Jiae,you NEVER told us you had a boyfriend!"
"What's your reason?I mean this is a total surprise,you should have told your mother and I about this,why didn't you-
"Well,Maybe it's because you're NEVER home!"
I yelled back.Thank goodness we were the only ones in the restaurant as for now.The waiters and waitresses were on break.I didn't know why I did that,something just snapped in me.
"And every time I stay up until late at night just to see the both of you,wanting to talk and bond,you'd simply just brush me off and ignore me,giving me the excuse you're too tired!!!"
I continued,standing up and pushing my chair back roughly.
"I just wished that everything would just go back to how it was last time,when you never struck it rich,and we were all happy-
My voice softened and I whispered the last part.
And Yoongi hadn't left"
With that,I stormed out off the restaurant,not caring about our guests.Suga's eyes widened but I didn't care.I ran and ran and ran,and I didn't know where I was going.The only thing I heard from my father was,
"Then don't call yourself my daughter from now on!"
I didn't even want to.I ran aimlessly,until I came to a park.I took out my phone,only to find it without battery.I sat down on a bench and buried my face in my hands.Then lightning striked and soon,heavy rain poured down.Things just couldn't get worse.Without myself knowing,Hot tears ran down my cheeks.
I clutched my phone tightly in my hands,while I stared aimlessly into space,just looking at the rain drops falling down.I hugged myself tightly,trying to save myself from the cold.Until rain stopped raining on me.I looked up,and saw an umbrella over me,with someone holding it.All I saw and heard was him calling out to me while supporting me as I slowly blacked out.Oh,and he had pink hair.
I woke up in an unfamiliar room with Kihyun by my side.The bed was comfy though.And the room was super big.
"You're awake!Finally!"
Kihyun shouted.
"Did I sleep for long?"
"For your information,it's 3 in the morning now"
I smiled sheepishly before looking at my surroundings once again.It seems this person was rich.
"Kihyun,where am I?"
"Suga's place"
I whisper-shouted.I never expected Suga to be this rich.So,that means the pink haired man who carried me back was...Suga?Well that's embarrassing.How many times did I completely break down in front of him already?
"Speaking of Suga,what's your relationship with him?Is he REALLY your boyfriend?I mean I asked him to put on an act but-
"Wait,YOU were the one who asked me to pretend to be my boyfriend?"
"Eheheh,well you see...
I was about to hit him with my pillow when the door opened.
"Umm,everything alright in here?"
Suga peeked through the door,revealing only his head.In a flash,Kihyun pushed him in and went out himself before yelling.
"I'll give the both of you time alone!Suga,you should explain the rest of the things to her!Have fun!"
And he locked the door.I silently cursed Kihyun in my mind.That brat.
He said and we stayed silent for a while.
"Look,Yoon-I mean,Suga.I'm sorry for letting you see me in my,well,feeling down moments and ugly sobbing.That must have been torture.And thank you so much for helping me out all the time.You're a great friend"
I smiled as I slowly held my head up to see his reaction.Well,his gummy smile was all it took to satisfy me.
"Well,I have ALOT to explain to you.An it'll ruin your mood.So do you want me to continue or-
"Just say it"
He cleared his throat by coughing a few times before starting.
"So,your father kind of threw you out of the house,and Kihyun brought over your luggage here.So you're gonna be staying here,in my house"
He hushed me when I was going to protest.I'll owe him way too much.
"Your father is still insisting on the marriage though.So it's best to just stay here until the storm calms down and you'll be free"
I sighed before giving him a smile and thanking him.
"Thank you,Yoon-I mean Suga"
"Who IS Yoongi?"
Great.Now he's suspicious because of my carelessness once again.
"Eheheh.He's actually my childhood friend whom I lost contact with,but he looks a lot like you,so I keep accidentally calling you Yoongi.Sorry bout that"
He was speechless for a while.Until I spotted my luggage at the side.
"Umm,I should start unpacking now,since I'm staying here for a while.Thanks again Suga,see ya later"
I said before pushing him out of the room.Well I do wonder if he really is Yoongi.Gosh my life is so complicated.I thought as I started unpacking.Ugh I'm so stupid.I'm pretty sure he's Yoongi now though.Looking at his reactions and all that.Now I just need to find something to prove it...ah!
My roller skates!
Suga's P.O.V
I'm positive That she's my childhood friend Jiae.Really positive.I went to the kitchen to get a bag of potato chips before going back to my room.Where is Kihyun though?He's probably lost.Well I still need to get my beauty sleep.He can eventually find his own way round.
I threw my body on my bed and tried to sleep.But I can't.I keep thinking about Jiae.Might as well just help her unpack.She has a lot of things to do,and worry about.
And I'm worrying about her.
Before that,let's take a look at my childfhood friend's roller skates shall we?Lets see-wait.Oh no.I hid it in a guest room,not wanting my parents to find it,since they dig through my room sometimes.Oh no.Its Jiae's room!I rushed over to her room and opened the door,only to see two plastic bags,and they were containing roller skates.Jiae was observing my plastic bag with eyes as big as...um,fishballs?She then looked up to me,and I scratched the back of my head.
"Umm,nice to meet you again,Old friend?"
I said awkwardly.She stood still for a while,and I just looked at the floor.Until I felt her embrace.And an unexpected reaction.
Jiae's P.O.V
So it IS true!Suga IS Yoongi!Should I act shocked or surprised?Well isn't it a joyous occasion?Like,I met him after 5 years.I should just make the best of this situation and act cheerful and happy.Because I am.
I flung my arms around him as he looked up.
I hugged him really tight,almost choking him to death.
"Finally,I found my way out of this big house-
Kihyun came in but was stunned.
"Umm,sorry for interrupting?"
A/N:Okay this is a really crappy chapter since I had to change my plot.But bare with me for now,the next chapters are better.Hopefully.And I'm sorry for the late update!I finished it last night but I couldn't update because of some problems!Oh and Happy 1st Anniversary to Lovelyz!I'm so proud of them!*sobs*

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