Part 6 // Depressed

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I have now moved in to my parents. It's a wonderful feeling to be home. But after all I've been trough life has become black. I've seen people die, right in front of my eyes. I've been on drugs. I miss the hella sweet feel.

"Lady B!" Mom yells. "Lunch!"

I walk downstairs. Potatoes and meat. It doesn't even taste. My head keeps hanging down and I have no aptite. My dad notices, of course, but he doesn't say anything. He just raises one of his eyebrows. I don't eat much and soon get up on my room. I pick up my notepad. I don't have dad's skills in drawing, I suck at drawing, so I write songs instead.

There are no one to love,

everyone cheats, everyone lies.

No one is true, the world is just a place to exist in,

no point.

I throw my notepad in the wall and start crying. I hear a knock on the door.

"Bandit?" Dad's soft voice calms me down. "Can I come in?"

He closes the door carefully.

"Honey, is everything okay?" His soft voice asks with a worried tone. I shake my head.

"Dad, I've seen people die, right in front of me. I've been on drugs. I've robbed people." I cry. He frezes when I said I've been on drugs.

"What kind of drugs?" His voice is shaking.


He gasps. He looks very scared and worried. I drag away my tears with my arm. My sleeve rolls up and reveals my scars.

Gerards POV

I'm shaking. She's been on drugs. She's only a child. Then her sleeve rolls up and I see what I never wanted to see on a human. Scars. She has been self harming. I gasp. She is really depressed. She quickly drags the sweater down over the scars.

"Bandit, I've been on cocaine. It's a horrible feeling you have when you're on drugs. Your head spins, you can't control your body." I say and Bandit looks up.

"You've been on drugs too?"

"But Bandit, I never ever want to see scars on you. Never hold a razorblade against yourself!" I say. Lindsey comes in.

"Sorry, I heard your little talk." Lindsey says. She dragged up her sleeve to reveal 10 scars. I already knew about them.

"Why?" Bandit asks.

"I thought I was useless. But we're not! When I joined my MSI I heard from people how talented I was. It made me happy again." Lindsey smiles against Bandit. "Then I met this handsome guy."

She leans in and kisses me. Bandit's lips are forming an smile now.

"Thanks!" She hugs us.

"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, remember that!" I say when I hug my daughter.

Lindsey smiles, reliefed. Without this talk Bandit may have killed herself. I never want to say that 'Bandit killed herself', never!


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