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The Nordics ran. They didn't know how much longer this war was going to be, but it hurt trying to even think about it.

Denmark was running ahead. He had Sweden on his back, but could still run quite fast. Sweden wasn't that heavy in reality.

Sweden was unconscious at the moment, but he had a concussion and a broken leg. He had been out for a while now and the others were very concerned about him.

Finland was lagging slightly behind, but still close. He was shaking out of his skin because of how deathly cold it was, but he didn't care at the moment.

Norway was running as fast as he could. He was carrying Denmark's battle ax since Denmark was currently carrying Sweden. Norway had been the first one to join the battle. Finland and Sweden joined second, Denmark joined third and Iceland joined last. Norway blamed himself for getting them into this mess. Getting Sweden hurt. Norway thought how it should've been him with the concussion, him with the broken leg. Not Sweden. Sweden didn't deserve this. He only joined because of his concern towards Norway.

Iceland was carrying a majority of the bags they were carrying with them. He also had about 90% of the weapons. Finland was carrying the other 10% of the weapons. Iceland didn't hear about this war until he heard Denmark joined the battle. Iceland knew the others were idiots, but he didn't want one of them to get hurt. But it was too late for that?

It had only been about five days before. They were on the battle field, attacking as many people they could. Finland, Iceland and Norway stood together, not leaving each others side. Denmark and Sweden were back-to-back with each other, not separating. Finland was watching around and saw a solider running up to Sweden and Denmark. "Sweden! Denmark!" Finland had yelled.

The solider quickly attacked, knocking Denmark back and tackling Sweden to the ground. Denmark was on the ground, the breath knocked out of him. "Swede..." He whimpered and looked at where the Swedish male was.

Sweden was pinned to the ground, reaching for his own battle ax, but unable to reach it. The solider was holding him down, not even letting Sweden move the rest of his body. He seemed to be enjoying watching Sweden struggle as he started tracing his finger down Sweden's face. The Swedish male struggled even more, but couldn't escape. The solider then reached and grabbed Sweden's leg. "We can't have you running away now..." He had whispered before snapping Sweden's leg.

Sweden screamed, but his mouth was instantly covered by the solider.

Finland, Norway and Iceland were about to go help Sweden, but more soldiers from the other nations started to attack them.

The solider put his hand over Sweden's face, starting to give a few laughs before beating Sweden's head viciously into the ground. Sweden cried for help, but none came for another few minutes.

Denmark shot up, regaining his lost breath and then lunging forward to attack the solider. He instantly had gotten the solider down, attacking him the best he could. Finally, a gunshot was there and the soldier Denmark was attacking was dead. Denmark looked over to where the gunfire came from and saw Norway standing there with his gun aimed right on the soldier.

"Sweden!" Finland shouted before hearing another soldier come up behind him. Finland quickly attacked the soldier and killed him, and then looked at Denmark who was now holding Sweden.

Sweden was barely even awake, a few little spots of blood were on his head and he seemed to have coughed up a little blood as well.

Denmark was cradling the younger nation in his arms. "Sverige...you have to stay awake... Stay awake, don't fall asleep. You can't leave us. Not yet."

Sweden was gripping onto Denmark's shirt collar, but it was obvious his grip was becoming looser each second.

Denmark started sobbing. "Don't leave me! Don't leave me Sweden!"

Iceland, Norway and Finland ran over quickly, dropping onto the snow-covered ground. Finland looked over Sweden quickly. "He's not going to die...not yet. We just need to get out of here!"

"Finland's right." Iceland said and stood quickly.

Denmark stood unsteadily with Sweden who was now unconscious. "I need him on my back..."

Norway took a long chain out of his bag while Finland and Iceland helped get Sweden on Denmark's back. Norway quickly tied the chain around both Denmark and Sweden and then looked around, grabbing both Sweden and Denmark's battle ax's and handing Sweden's to Iceland.

More soldiers started rushing towards the Nordics.

"We have to get out of here!" Finland shouted.

"We'll cover Denmark!" Norway said quickly. "We can't let Denmark get hurt because no one else can carry such a tall fellow like Sweden!"

Iceland took out his own chain link and then swung it, hitting a lot of soldiers that were closer, most of them dead, some unconscious. "Run!" Iceland shouted before heading off.

Denmark was already slightly ahead. He could feel Sweden's cold face against the back of his neck. He really wanted Sweden to be okay. Denmark could feel hot tears running down his face as he ran. The cold air brushing against his face. He didn't know what else he could do but run... Run until they had safety.

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