The show

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Is been three weeks since that day I have a whole bunch of scars on my legs arms and face but kept that part covered with makeup I put on long sleeves and long pants to cover those up soryu still mean as ever and mei ling is a cruel as a snake toward me so I don't hang around unless he calls me in the meantime I joined this idol group call school idols u's love live ( I like this anime a lot and the songs are amazing check it out my character plays the role of honoka leader of love like she has orange hair in the videos imma put up so be sure to look for her xD she also sings the solo) it's winter time so we have been working on a song called snow halation of course the other don't know about it that would be soooo embarrassing anyway ( play the video above for the song) it was time for the show I got in my place when I heard name being called out I looked in the crowd and saw every single bidder their including mei ling and soryu all laughing at the moment I was embarrassed but it was to late to back down
-after the show -
After the show I made sure to hurry and get away from everyone before I had to fave the bidders but it was to late all of them came up behind me and scared the shit outta me they were about to say something when the girls from the group came up .
" hey musuki is this your friends that came to see the show they are really cute!"
I stared at them all with a WTH face but I began to blush when run said " hey is the guy with blue /freakish hair the one you have been talking about all the time !!! He's cute so that's your boyfriend "
I immediately saw soryu smirking and I knew he was about to say something really mean so I spoke before he could say anything . In a very cold tone I said " he is not my boyfriend nor ever will be so of you will excuse me I have to get ready for the next show " and with that I left not looking at any of them but I felt like crying something I never do especially around people. I heard them calling my name and saw all the guys running towards me and ask what all that was about " what are you talking about I just told the truth is there something wrong with that " I said with a harsh glare at soryu they all just stared at me but I left .
- meanwhile-
Mei ling pov
So that bitch can sing huh guess imma be a idol for that same group just to make her life hell I thought as soryu came up to me I kissed him passionately and saw musuki come by hoping to make her jealous I started moaning she looked hurt for a bit but then quickly made a harsh cold look on her face " excuse me " she said "what " I said in a notch tone " Eisuke told me to tell you and soryu that mei lings dad called and said that he knows you and soryu are dating and he approves and hoping for you all to get married soon congratulations " she said that I could see the hurt in her eyes through that hard face and with that she walked away I turned toward soryu as he stared at her in a way have never seen before like he felt bad for her or whatever so I quickly started kissing his neck to get his attention again but he looked annoyed and pushed me off "the show is starting soon we should get going " he said I was a it shocked but followed for the next show .
Don't forget to like comment and keep reading it's going to get interesting mei lings a bitch in the story thought to bad xD see you later baby ducks!!

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