Part 10

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Nates pov

Some of the new people here.. Can't fucking stand it. Sammy's all over Cameron.. He was my dog that would always try to hump me.. Not Cameron's!!! Fuck. JJ and Gilinsky.. Gilinsky has JJ, and Kian he's like my best bud.

What do I do?

I'm so fucking stuck in this place.. Where I won't let no one. No one. Have me.. Swazz.... Was everything that... Kept this glue together.. He wasn't that right in the head, and he flipped out..bad. And it put him in a asylum.. I get to go visit him sometime this week for the first time in two years he's gotten taken..

Who the hell is at the door?

I get up and walk to the door, I open it and JJ is standing there with Gilinsky "Nate! Nate! Something happened to sammy?!"

Wait what.

"JJ what happened?" I say.

"Someone jumped him and beat the shit out of him! He's refusing to go to the hospital! He's in my room, you need to come see him!" JJ yells.

I grab my coat and walk with JJ and Gilinsky.

JJ is running Infront of me and Gilinsky looks at me. "Listen Nate I know your not so fond of me. But we are Omaha boys, you shouldn't hate me or something cause I'm with JJ. us boys stick together. I know there are other people that are here that we don't know that well but we need to let them try to be friends with us. Don't worry Nate we'll find who did this to Sammy"

I nod.

We get to JJ's room and I see Sammy sitting on the couch.

I run over to him and sit Infront of him "Sammy tell me who did this, and they'll pay!" I say.

Sammy starts to cry and he shakes his head. I look at JJ and he just looks at Gilinsky.

"Tell me Sammy?" I say.

He just looks down at me and falls onto me crying into my chest.

What's going on.

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