Chap 3 "Secret's Out?"

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Mia's POV
"Well, it's just how I am," I nodded as Mike put his arm around me. "But you are the one who keeps me from over caring because that will just make me go crazy." I looked at Mike. "Which is why I have no problem doing what I do around you." A good three months had passed. I've been waking up at 7 every morning to get ready by 7:30. There was a knock on my door. "Yes?"
Mike opened the door. "Hey," Mike replied slipping in and closing the door. "You know what next month is?"
"Our one year," I smiled as Mike gave me a kiss on the cheek. "How could I forget?"
"Breakfast," Mentor Ji's voice travelled through the house.
"Let's go," Mike smiled.
We walked into the kitchen and sat down. "Eat up, Samurais."
"Where's Kevin?" Jayden asked
"He's usually back from his morning job by now," I replied.
"Usually? Always," Mike stated. "You can set your watch to the guy."
"And Antonio," Emily looked around. "Where is he?"
"I got a bad feeling about this," Jayden nodded. We looked at the clock and it said 8am. "Kevin would never be this late from this morning run. He's always here by 8am sharp for practice." I put my food bowl down. "He would have at least called." We looked and the clock said one minute past 8am. "Okay. Enough waiting. It's time to take action."
"Let's go," I sighed. We morphed on our way out of the Shiba house. We found Antonio and Kevin in their gear and they were down. "Kevin, Antonio!"
"Blazing strike!" Jayden exclaimed. The nighlok took a hit and flew back a couple feet. "Back off nighlok."
"Wow, you showed up," Kevin stated.
"Kevin, Antonio, you guys okay?" Emily asked.
"We're fantastico now," Antonio replied. "I sure am glad to see you guys."
"We know Kevin's routine," Jayden responded. "And he knew we'd come looking."
"Come guys," Antonio nodded as he and Kevin joined us. "It's time to take this guy out for good."
"Jayden, watch out for his slim," Kevin explained.
"Don't worry," Jayden replied.
"Sunsui slime!" the nighlok exclaimed.
"Here it comes," Kevin, stating the obvious.
"Blazing strike," Jayden states, blocking the slime from hitting us. "Now, charge!" Mike, Emily, and I took a swing at the nighlok and got him good. "Go ahead guys. Put him on spin cycle."
Kevin and Antonio went after him and he fell down the well. "Yeah, squashed that ant," Kevin stated as him and Antonio high fived.
"It's big slime time," the nighlok said, returning as a giant nighlok this time.
"Oh, come in," I sighed.
"Mega morph power," we all stated, except for Antonio.
"Octozord," Antonio stated.
We were all in our Zords this time. "Zords combine," we all said. Our Zords joined together. "Mega Zord complete."
"Antonio, join us," Kevin suggested
"My pleasure," Antonio replied. "Samurai Artillery."
"Octospear Megazord, armed for battle," we said together.
We tried fighting the nighlok. "We can't grab him," I replied.
"He's going to slim us again," Kevin nodded.
"Sunsui slime!" the nighlok exclaimed. We were slimed and Antonio was disconnected. "Your combination is out."
"Hey, hands off my Octozord," Antonio replied. "Octo ink-cloud." The nighlok let go. "Let's try this again. Samurai Artillery. All together now."
"Ice breath," we said in unison. "Electric spear! Samurai strike!"
We strikes the nighloks and he was done for. "We did it, Samurai Rangers," Jayden replied. "Victory is ours."
We went back to the Shiba house with the toys. "Stealing toys from kids?" Mike asked. "Now that's even low for a nighlok."
"But we get to make things right," Kevin stated as we demorphed. "That's what's great about being a Samurai. Right, Antonio?"
I smiled as I watched. "It's best that we return these anonymously," Jayden nodded. "We don't want to draw attention to ourselves."
"It'll be fun to play Santa," Emily smiled.
"Ho, ho, ho," I giggled.
"Right," Antonio said as he and Kevin fist bump.
"I think Kevin and Antonio should return the toys," I smiled. "Since they are getting along so well."
"Good idea, Mia," Jayden smiled as he left the room.
"Well, I'm going to the kitchen," I smiled. "That's where I'll be if you need me." I smiled at Mike and went to the kitchen. "This is hard."
"Hey Mia?" Emily asked sticking her head in the kitchen. "Can we talk?"
"Yeah, Em," I smiled as she sat down. "What's up?"
"You and Mike," Emily pointed at me.
"What are you talking about?" I asked playing dumb.
"Mike's been a lot happier since you've been here," Emily smiled. "And usually, he always says he has something to do like once or twice or three times during the week, but he hasn't done that something since you've been here." I looked at Emily. "What are you hiding?"
"Nothing," I quickly responded. "Look, Em, just - it's nothing, alright? Mike and I have been childhood friends for as long as I can remember." I sighed. "We all have our own secrets too keep, but when I'm ready to tell mine, you'll be the first to know but you can't let the other guys know."
"Mia, if you haven't noticed, Jayden's been wanting to take you out since you've been here," Emily nodded. "You need to figure things out fast or you'll end up hurting them both."
Emily left and Mike walked in. He must've seen the expression on my face before I could hide it. "Is this where I should duck from flying objects?" Mike asked.
"This isn't funny, Mike," I said slapping him in the arm.
"What's wrong?" Mike asked.
"Is there somewhere we can talk where no one could hear us?" I asked. "I don't want to risk anyone hear what we have to talk about."
"I'm sure Em needs groceries," Mike nodded.
"Good, go get that list and we could go," I nodded. "Mike, we need to talk about this."

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