Chap 6 "Mia's Confidence"

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Mike's POV
"No thanks," I replied as Mia came close to me with the bag. I stood up. "I'm fine."
"You really should," Mia suggested. She started chasing me. "Mike!" I turned around and she kept coming. "Come on! It'll make you feel better." She accidentally slipped on the second bag, landing face first with the bag she had in her hands. "Ahh!!"
"Mia, are you okay?" Emily asked.
Mia lifted her face and spit out the peas that went into her mouth. "They're everywhere," Mia sighed as she sat up. "I'm such a disaster." She wiped the peas from her face. Emily helped. "Ugh."
"No, you're not," Emily nodded. "You were doing a nice thing."
"I'm so sorry," I replied crouching down in front of Mia.
"No, it was all my fault," Mia nodded. "I was being silly. I'm always messing things up. I'm sorry." She sighed. "I'll clean it up." As she stood up, she slipped on it bag. "Awh!" I nodded. "Not again."
Mia went to the kitchen. "I got this," I nodded. I cleaned up the mess and walked into the kitchen. Mia was gurgling water. "You okay?"
I startled Mia because she turned towards me and spit out her water all over my face. "Oh no," Mia replied as she grabbed a towel to wipe my face. "I'm always making a mess. I'll sweep." I held the dust pan away from her. "It was all my fault."
"You don't always have to apologize for everything," I smiled. "Everyone pitched in to clean up but I cleaned it myself. Besides, you were just trying to help."
"I just make everything worst," Mia sighed. I looked at her after I put up the dust pan. "I wish I was more like Emily." She looked at me. "She's beautiful, she's graceful, she's smart, she can cook."
"Yeah, I'm not too sure about the cooking part," I smiled.
"But every time I try to do something nice or good, I just turn it into a big mess," Mia looked away. "I can't do anything right. I'm hopeless."
"Mia, I'm being serious," I replied. "It's not good to talk about yourself like that. Give yourself a break." She smiled at me. "Okay?"
"You always know how to cheer me up," Mia smiled.
"And you are beautiful," I smiled as I got closer too. "You're the one who's beautiful in my eyes."
"This is why I love you," Mia smiled as we shared a small kiss.
"Next month is Christmas, and our one year anniversary," I smiled.
"I think it'll be something special," Mia smiled
The month went by quickly and it was Christmas morning. I woke up and I was sleeping in the common room. I jumped up. "It's Christmas! Wake up everyone!" I exclaimed. "Santa came!" I looked out the window. "It snowed! It snowed! Whoo hoo!"
Everyone ran into the common room. Mia was the first one in and she gave me a hug. "Happy one year, Mike," she smiled.
Mentor Ji joined us. "Merry Christmas, everyone," he smiled.
"Merry Christmas," we replied.
We sat down. I put on a beanie. Everyone else put on a Santa hat but Kevin put on a headband that had reindeer antlers. "Time for presents," I smiled.
Mentor handed us each a gift. "I wonder what it is," Kevin asked shaking his.
I wasn't handed one at all. Jayden open his. "Whoa," Jayden smiled as he got out the meditation balls. "Thank you Ji."
"Awh, a new apron," Emily smiled.
"It's a scarf," Mia smiled.
"You're the best," Kevin smiled holding up the blue towel.
I put my arm around Mia. "Jayden," Mentor said handing him another gift.
Jayden opened it and it was a baseball mitt. "This is awesome," Jayden smiled.
"Here's another present for Emily," Mentor smiled.
"Thank you," Emily replied. She opened it and it was a cook book. "I love it!"
"There's some good recipes in there," Kevin replied. "You should read it."
Mia laughed. "For Kevin," Mentor said as he handed him a box.
Kevin opened it. "Perfect," Kevin smiled. "This is just what I needed." He held up a wrist watch. "My old one's slow by three seconds."
I looked at all the wrapping paper on the floor. "Did Santa forget about me?" I asked.
"Mike," Mia smiled as she handed me a small rectangular box. "I got this for you."
I opened it and it was a green bracelet that says hers with a heart shaped lock. "What is this?" I smiled. She showed me the bracelet on her wrist and it says his with a key. "You're something else."
"Well, we grew up with each other and spend Christmas with each other," Mia smiled. "Somethings never change."
"I think there's an envelope under the tree," Mentor replied.
"An envelope?" I asked. "Th-that's it?" Mentor handed me the envelope. I opened it. "Go to the front door," I read. We went to the front door and I opened it. A saw a green motor bike. "No way!" They giggled. I hugged Mia first and then I hugged everyone else. "Thank you guys so much!"
"Here," Mia smiled as she handed me my coat. "Take it for a ride."
"You're coming with me," I smiled putting on my coat.
"I don't have my -"
Emily held up her coat. "I got you covered," she smiled.
"Thanks Em," Mia nodded. She put on her coat. "We'll be back."
I got on my bike with Mia. "This is beginning to be the greatest Christmas of all," I smiled. I saw some guys on the park. We got off the bike. I looked at Mia and back at the guys. "Hey guys." I walked up to them with the bike. "I want you guys to have this. You deserve it."
"Thank you," says the skinnier guy.
"Merry Christmas," I smiled. I put my arm around Mia and we started walking. "Mia, why are you looking at me like that?"

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