Chapter Nine

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            “Wait, what?” I had most definitely heard what he had said but I was just trying to keep my cool. Cancel the rest of the tour? What in the world was he thinking? I swear this boy was out of his mind.

            “The tour is cancelled,” he repeated.

            It was difficult to look straight at him in the eye, but his gaze would not seem to leave me alone. He looked as if he had no emotion, no blood running through his veins. I didn’t know what to think. It didn’t seem right to call him an idiot so I kept my mouth shut. I wanted to say something, but even before I could come up with the right words, he turned and walked back into the café. I let out a deep sigh and followed him.

            I thought he would’ve said something to everyone as we sat down but he didn’t.

            “So,” one of the guys named John looked knowingly at us, “what is it?”

            I bit my lip and looked at Wes, waiting for him to respond. He just stared down at the tabletop. I could tell he felt like he was letting his friends down, yet I couldn’t figure out why he was doing that. 

            “Come on, Wes. Why aren’t you saying anything?” Jason squinted in his direction, almost as if Wes was a tiny piece of dust floating around.

            Jaz nudged my elbow. “What happened?” she questioned.

            “I’m not entirely sure,” I whispered.

            “Miranda,” John said my name loud and clear. I glanced up at him and blinked.

            “Yes…?” I trailed off.

            “What’s up with him?” he asked.

            “Uh,” I scratched my head. Why wasn’t Wes saying anything? I couldn’t bother to tell this horrible news to them. Let’s just hope they don’t kill the messenger. “The tour’s cancelled,” was all I said. No emotion whatsoever. Maybe that was the best way to do things.

            “WHAT?” Tony half-shouted. His face was starting to turn a bright tomato red and his eyes were full of fury. He turned to Wes, “You cancelled the tour, man?”

            Wes just nodded.

            “But why?” Jason shook his head in disbelief. “We’re not even halfway through.”

            “I have to go,” Wes got up and took his jacket from the chair next to his.

            “You’re not going anywhere,” John grabbed his arm. “We have to talk about this!”

            Wes pulled himself loose from his grip and walked out from the entire situation.

            John was about to go after him until I told him, “Don’t go. He won’t tell you anything. You should just call Chase.”

            He stared at me for a moment and then finally sat down and dialed Chase’s number.

            “I’m going to go after him,” I told Jaz.

            “No you’re not!” she exclaimed.

            “I have to,” I insisted.

            “But why? You think he’s actually going to talk to you?” she pressed.

            I thought about it for a second. “Yes. He told me the tour was cancelled and he wouldn’t even tell you guys.” I got up and she let me go without an argument.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 30, 2013 ⏰

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