I got suspended from school

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Hi guys!this was about 2 years ago

I was siting in the bus and it was something at school that people would by stuff in white so that in class they would use sharpies to colour them and do cool designs and stuff so like I said I was sitting in the bus and when a guy in my class asked me for a sharpie so I gave him different colours for him to do.

And he took the colours and scratched out this beautiful heart that had two boys names on it and I was like why would you do that and he said "I'm not gay" and I was like😐😐😐😐😐

And I didn't ask for my sharpie back so when we left the bus that beautiful artwork about gay being ok was all scratched out and I knew I had made a big mistake because I'm not lesbian but I would never be rude to someone that is and what he did was wrong and he did it with something that belonged to me😤😣😞

So the next day this lady asked me If I wrote on it in Spanish because I speak Spanish(fun fact) and I said no and I couldn't snitch because I dint really know his name and I wasn't really that kind of person and I don't even remember why but I was sitting in the principals office no idea what was happening but I ended up suspended from school for like a week days.
And they just told me that I was suspended and I was still like no idea what was fuck was happening????

And when my friends found out they were pissed they went to the teachers like

"Bro what the fuck you doing suspending her"
"She didn't do nothin"
So, in conclusion I got suspended for bringing a motherfucking sharpie to school!!!

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