Racism/ruddnes has a limit!!!

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I don't even know how...but you know it happened.

So me and some of my friends decided to meet up at a candy store and you know chat and walk through the park, it's been along time since I saw them so I was pretty exited. So there was like 11 of us. Me, like 4 white girls and and 6 black girls and like I said I bought a bunch of candy.

So it turns out that we spent a little to much time in the store when a group of men were like

"Oh the stores closing soon and it's getting dark, you don't look old enough to be wandering the streets at night. Why don't you girls get home now before everything goes pitch black."

Ok, so it was late. So I took my girls home most of us lived near each other. So Chloe, one of my friends I was with lived in a...richer...aria. She was scared to go home alone in the dark so I offered to go with her before I went home.

So it's just me and her, I know we were stupid.

When we got there like 2 hours on the bus and 5 minutes walk, we were talking and laughing and if you know me you know I was born with laughing  problems. It's so easy to get me laughing even when things are...not the write time...and when I laugh it's so loud and I can't stop even to breathe. So I was laughing loudly and we were outside her and her mums apartment and basically what happened is a couple. Woman in her late 20s with dirty blond hair and brown she's curvy and let's just say she looks like a supermodel. The man has black hair, kind of wrinkles over his face.

They started being so rude to me like "do you have no respect for people!" And they started shouting louder then my laughing. They were so rude. They even said that I don't belong in this aria and I should go back where I belong!
I said goodbye to Chloe  and left before the couple pissed me off even more.

Like seriously,

"You don't belong here go back where you belong!!!"

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