7 things that happened to me during the last two weeks before holidays

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This will happen to all of you in high school and if it hasn't happened to you yet you know it will and if it already has that's ok because it can't be worse than ALL of it happening to you(me)on the last two weeks before holidays!!!
Disclaimer:yes,the last two weeks before holidays...why why me God😓😭😨😨😳😲😱😰!!!

1:I stalked a girl on Instagram and ended up sitting next to her in class.i had to play "dumb" when she was talking because I already knew EVERYTHING about her...

2:the teacher calls on you and you have no idea what the answer Is but honestly it's something that happens no me more than once...☺️☺️☺️

3:your crush finds out you have a crush on him*i know how ironic*

4:you lie/hurt to your crush because you have to and poor poor Sam I didn't mean to if your reading this IM SO SORRY IT BROKE MY HEART😊😅😲😩😤

5.you say hey to someone and they don't say hey back and everyone around you starts talking about irrelevant "stories" about you so loudly the whole school knows...

6.you cry about nothing 💧💧💧💦💦💦

7:you walk into the wrong class...

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