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Hey guys, i kept feeling guilty because I rushed it and it ended up getting changed and so I just like to clear up some stuff so my guilt goes away...😢😢😝😘😊😎 

So I go to a girls school but like if you walk for 5 (that's me guessing) minutes there is a boys school with the same name as us. Sometimes, our school has this thing were we are forced to see each other (the teachers think it's good for us because we do have the same name and were pretty close so...)

And when I say sometimes I mean after school I could be heading to the library and I might see a bunch of boys talking in the corner of our library. I , unlike some of my friends, actually am ok with it because I have guy friends and some of my best friends are guys and it's nice to hear from them.

So yeah, I think I rushed it last time but yeah...😝☺️😣😔

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