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"Love, if true, will always find a way no matter the consequences of fate."

-Fate, Allie Santos

"Everything you have ever wished for, believe in it and it shall be yours." I can hear the distant echoing of someone else's voice as I walk inside a dark cave. "It will be yours." It echoed again making my heart beat loud in my chest.

I can hear my own muffled footsteps as I walk in what seems to be a moist and damp path and I am quite surprised I haven't punctured my foot while walking. "Everything I have ever wished for!" cried a voice in my head and all of a sudden, without even noticing it, my footsteps became fast. Hurried. Like I was trying to literally catch a very vague and distant dream that now seem to be crystal clear and within easy reach. I ran, instinctively, my hands outstretched trying to reach for something.

"There is a magical pen..." the deep voice that once echoed the walls of the dark cave is now replaced with a soft and calm one, I recognized as my mother's. "The story is true, Allie. You just have to believe."

I was temporarily blinded when a sudden flash of light came out of nowhere. And then slowly, the light faded in. A few more steps and all of a sudden everything around me vanished as the whole cave close in on me. And then I'm transported to a temple where I saw a woman's outline bowing and praying in front of an unknown god.

A few seconds later, she was approached by a monk. The scenes weren't clear but I clearly remember the monk handing the woman what something that's bedazzled. Something familiar.

The pen.

Everything happened so fast, it was as if everything was playing in a fast forward speed.

"Everything you have ever wished for," the voice that first echoed came again but this time it feels close, almost whispering right in my ears. "Believe and it will be yours."

"Everything you have ever wished for...." I can feel my heart loud in my chest and I started to feel sweat trickling down my spine, I am out of breath as if I was running the whole time.

And then I am back in my apartment, in front of me is a mirror showing my reflection. I am holding the pen that I saw the monk giving to the woman who was praying in the temple. "I wish for happiness." I hear myself say. I can see my lips moving but it was as if the voice is someone else's and not mine.

"Believe, and it will be yours."

All that's happened next was a blur. Blurred images of things that happened passed by me as I try to get a hold of those images that will hopefully bring me back to the present. I was reaching my hand to a vague unknown until all of a sudden everything went black. My hand still outstretched. Little by little, I see light; dim but slowly emitting bright puffs of light and then I saw the outline of a man. He was shouting something but I can barely hear him. He starts to fade as I glide closer and then slowly I watch him go as the blinding lights starts to blur him just like in a dream.

The loud and annoying chant of my alarm clock woke me up. I immediately sit up straight and rubbed my forehead and realized that my left hand is still tightly balled as if holding something but then when I tried opening my hand, it is empty. I tried to recall my dream, scattered pictures of a monk and a woman played in my head like a movie without voices. And then the pen.

There is a magical pen that was what my mom used to say when she was alive. Either she made that up or it is true at some point I didn't had the chance to ask. When I was old enough to be curious, she died. Leaving that mysterious, magical pen long gone and forgotten. But she said she has it. And she said it granted her, her wish.

I blindly searched the box lying just under my bed and tried to look for it; there is a pen, my mom left it to me. It is bedazzled with silvery gems but I didn't know how to use it for it to grant my heart's desire.

I stood up and searched for a clean piece of paper. Wrote a story about the pen, a girl and a man. "I wish for happiness." My plea was merely a whisper. Then came a light at the darkest corner of the room. Then a man.

"Everything you have ever wished for..."


Even that one thing I didn't know I wanted to wish for...

All of it...

It came true.    

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