Chapter 2: Phone Call

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Katherine took a deep breath. He was probably just delayed in baggage claim or something.


She paced their apartment again. She cleaned when she was nervous but she had already done all the laundry, and all the dishes.


Her cell phone rang, the familiar tune of "I am The Doctor" blasting from the speakers. "Call from Matt Smith" her phone read, above a silly picture that the two had taken when they discovered how to work the front facing camera, (Katherine was not the best with electronics).

"Hello?" Katherine answered eagerly.

"Hello, Beautiful!" Matt's voice replied.

"You're eighteen minutes late, you had me worried sick!" Katherine scolded playfully.

"I'm sorry Love, There was something wrong with the Tarmac, had to wait a while to get off the plane." He apologized.

"Oh that's fine, How was you flight?" She asked.

"Absolutely miserable," he groaned.

"I sowee" Katherine pouted in her three year old voice.

Matt laughed, "What have you been up to since I left?"

"I went to lunch with Kaz, then came home and did all the chores." Katherine answered.

"Did I really have you that worried?" He chuckled.

"Of course not," Katherine promised sweetly.

Matt laughed again, "Ok, good. Do you have those auditions for that commercial tomorrow?"

"I totally forgot about that!" Katherine sighed, "Maybe I should just skip it."

"Nah, go have some fun. It'll be something to keep you busy while I'm gone." He insisted.

"Alright.." Katherine obliged.

"Look, darling, The taxi's going to be here any minute, I've really got to go."

"Alright then. Call me again soon, okay?" She pleaded.

"You know I will." He promised.

"I love you, and miss you already." She said quickly.

"I miss you already, and love you more." Matt said, then hung up.

Katherine sighed as she clicked her phone into sleep mode, and put it away in her pocket.

It was only 8PM still, but what else was there for Katherine to do? She changed into her pajamas, a black tank top, teal pajama pants, and a hot pink sports bra, then climbed into her empty bed and eventually fell asleep.


Author's Note:

Hey guys! As you can tell there probably won't be much of Matt in this fic :( Maybe we'll have some flash backs or something.

Also, I tend to write shorter chapters. Sorry. :/

Thanks for reading, voting, commenting, and sharing with your friends!

I love you all very much!


Katherine Smith: The Girl Who Married The Doctor // Matt Smith FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now