Chapter 4: Twitter Adventure // How They Met

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Katherine was terribly, terribly bad with technology. You see, she had gotten a twitter while filming Sherlock, but hadn't touched it since she and Matt started dating. Her username was still her maiden name, @KatherineJenningsUK. She decided to log back into twitter one day after work and see what the Internet thought of her.

"How cute would it be if @KatherineJenningsUK played a new companion!" Someone had tweeted.

"@KatherineJenningsUK Are they any funny habits Matt has?" Said another.

She decided to tweet back. "He snores. RT: @KatherineJenningsUK Are they any funny habits Matt has?"

That would make a fine tweet for not having been online in three years.

"@KatherineJenningsUK I think I saw you at a Ren Fair! Are you a faerie?"

"Part time faerie, Part time time lord cuddle buddy! Say hi next time! RT: @KatherineJenningsUK I think I saw you at a Ren Fair! Are you a faerie?"

She was satisfied with her tweeting so far.

"Marilynn better be in #sherlockseason5. I want @KatherineJenningsUK back!"

Katherine was honoured. She wanted to film Sherlock again too. Sherlock was an amazing show.

She scrolled through the tweets for a while. There was a fair share of "I h8 @KatherineJenningsUK. She sux. Matt Smith iz mine." But those tweets honestly made Katherine laugh.

"@KatherineJenningsUK should write a book about how she met Matt. From what I've heard it's adorable."

Katherine found that funny. She hardly had time (or the abilities) to write a book, but it was a cute story. At least Katherine liked to think so.


Katherine had just finished up filming Sherlock for the day. It was almost 11PM, but she only lived ten minutes away. It had been a rough day. She had a head cold, accidentally slept in, got demolished by Moffat and his temper... Then when she went to get lunch down the street during her break she forgot to put her change in the parking meter and got a ticket.

She got in the drivers seat, and attempted to start the ignition, but it wouldn't give.

Great. Now her car won't start. No repair place, or tow truck would be open this late at night. She leaned her head against the steering wheel and cried. She'd just have to sleep here in her car. She had to film again tomorrow morning after all.

Someone tapped at her window.

She turned to see Matt Smith, crouched next to her car, huddled under an umbrella.

"I'm so sorry," she apologized, opening the door and stepping out into the rain, "What can I help you with, Mr. Smith?"

"Please, call me Matt." He said kindly, shifting the umbrella so that it covered them both, "I was just leaving the studio and wanted to make sure everything was alright,"

Perhaps he knew who she was! Katherine had always had a bit of a liking for Matt. Not anything crazy, though. She never had pictures of him saved to her desktop or nonsense like that. She just thought he was cute. She'd seen him before. She never talked to him. He was a big-time actor, and she was just a minor recurring character on a three-episode show.

"But, Don't you have a trailer? Live on set?" She asked.

"Ah, it was a mate's birthday. Was going to see if I could join him at the pub for the last leg of his party, but it's rather late now. I probably shouldn't." He explained.

"I'm so sorry to keep you then, Mr. Smith. Don't mind me, I'll be alright." She apologized profusely.

"Please," he laughed, "Call me Matt. I'm not "Mr. Smith" when I'm off. I'm just "Matt Smith from Northhampton" And you're..."

"Katherine Jennings," she answered, "Katherine Jennings from Hampshire."

"Hello Katherine Jennings from Hampshire, it's a pleasure to meet you," He said politely.

"And you, Matt Smith from Northhampton," She added.

"Now, Miss Katherine Jennings from Hampshire, are you going to explain why you were sitting in your car outside of my studio at 11 o'clock at night?" He asked.

He didn't know who she was.

"I'm on Sherlock," she explained, "but I've been having a rough day and it seems my car just isn't going to start."

"Oh, you're on Sherlock? Yes, Katherine Jennings, makes sense now. You play Mary? Madeline?"

"Marilynn" she corrected politely,

"Well how about I take you back to your flat in my car, and we'll call the AA in the morning?" He suggested.

"Oh, I couldn't let you do that. I'll be fine." She declined.

"Oh, no, I insist. Small act of kindness. It's the least I could do." He insisted.

"That wouldn't be fair. You'd have to allow me to repay you in one way or another."

"Your company is payment enough," He replied cordially, making Katherine thankful for the dim streetlights, which helped to hide her blush.



Thanks for reading! Tell me what "flashbacks" you want next? First kiss? First fight? It's up to you!

Mush Love,

Kitty xxx

Katherine Smith: The Girl Who Married The Doctor // Matt Smith FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now