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"Who are you?"

"I'm The Doctor."

"You're not The Doctor."

"Of course I'm The Doctor!"

"You're really The Doctor?"

"Yes, I'm really The Doctor, now who are you?"

"Well, I guess if you're really The Doctor then, hello, I'm your daughter."


"Cut!!" The director shouted from off set.

Matt pulled his wife into a hug. "You're doing great, Love." He assured, stroking her back lightly.

"Matt!" A stagehand called, "I need you over here."

"Be right back," He promised, disappearing into the crowd of busy people, leaving Katherine standing alone in the middle of the big, big, London set.

She found a seat and sat, twiddling her thumbs awkwardly. She felt... Out of place. To Matt, this studio was just a second home, but to Katherine, nearly everyone here was a stranger.

"Katherine!" Someone inside the mob of stagehands shouted, forcing her way out of the crowd, "Katherine Smith!"

Katherine waved her hand, "Over here," she shouted, although it was drowned out by the pound conversations of everyone else around her.

"Katherine!" Who Katherine soon realized was Matt's co-star, Jenna-Louise Coleman. "I don't think we've properly met." She stuck out her hand, which Katherine took cautiously, shaking it loosely, "I'm Jenna-Lousie. I've heard lots about you."

"All good things, I'd hope," Katherine replied lightly.

"Oh, of course. Mostly from Matt. In America he would NOT stop talking about you. How he much missed you, telling stories about you, waiting for you to call..."

Katherine blushed. "I'm sure Karen would have the same report about me," she chuckled.

"You two are adorable, and I'd love to stay and chat, but I've got to be in makeup in five minutes, so I ought to go now. It was nice meeting you, officially, anyway." She rambled.


Katherine stared off, daydreaming until she was awakened by someone putting their hands over her eyes and the distinctive smell of Matt's cologne.

"Guess who!"

"Hmm..." Katherine teased, "I'm not sure."

"Oh, pooh, Katherine. It's your husband!" He exclaimed, keeping his hands where they were.

"Which one? I have so many.." She taunted jokingly.

He removed his hands, walking over to face her, "That wasn't very nice, Katherine." He scolded, a broad smile across his face.

"Don't worry, Love, you've always been my favourite." She said, fingering the lapel of his (or you could say The Doctor's) blazer from where she sat.

"I'd like to think so." He scoffed.

Katherine smiled bright, happy to finally being in the career she loved along side the man she adored. "Oh, I'd like to think so too."

The End!

Author's Note: So this is the end! If you don't mind, I'd like for you to answer a few questions to help me improve my writing :D

Favourite Quote:
Favourite Chapter:
Favourite Character Portrayal (any character, even the ones that are real):
Least Favourite Chapter:
Least Favourite Character Portrayal:
What I can Improve on:
Anything Else You'd Like to add:

So that's it! Thanks for being such loyal readers and I had such a great time on this journey with you :) If you liked this, check out my Avengers, Doctor Who, and Psych fanfictions on Fanfiction.net! (Pen name: Kitty Am I)

Forever Yours,
Kitty xxx

Katherine Smith: The Girl Who Married The Doctor // Matt Smith FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now