Chapter 3: Auditions

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Chapter 3:

Katherine straightened the hem on her knee length beige dress as she stood in front of the panel of judges.

"Hello, my name's Katherine Smith, I'm 30 years old and I'm living in London currently." She introduced herself.

"Tell us Katherine, why do you want this role?" The judge to the far right asked.

"Well, you see, I don't really need a job. My husband's got that part covered. Honestly I just really enjoy to act. I played Marilynn in BBC's "Sherlock", but I haven't really had a good acting gig since then." She explained.

"You're Matt Smith's wife, aren't you?" The youngest looking judge asked.

Katherine smiled, "Yeah.."

"I love Doctor Who." The judge gushed.

"Enough chit chat," the one with the terrible grimace snapped, "Read the lines, Katherine."


Katherine balanced her cell phone between her ear and her shoulder as she attempted to cook some pasta on the stove.

"How did it go?" Matt asked.

"Fine, I hope." Katherine replied, "I really don't need the job, it's just been so long since I've had a good acting part."

"You'll get a good part soon! There's one waiting for you out there." He assured her.

"How's filming going so far?" She asked, pouring the stiff noodles into the boiling water, and accidentally splashing herself a bit.

"It's pretty boring lately. Just read throughs and such. No cuddles from you." He pouted. Katherine could imagine the puppy dog frown on his face.

"Ask Moffat to cuddle." Katherine suggested.

"Eh, he's not as good of a cuddler." Matt said in all seriousness.


"How's Salem doing?" He asked. Salem was their grouchy pants, stubborn old siamese cat. She was twelve years old, Katherine had had her since university. Her formerly shiny tan coat was speckled with grey, and she mostly just spend her time sleeping under the couch.

"Grouchy as usual." Katherine replied with a laugh.

"Hold on just a second," Matt said.

Katherine could hear a few muffled shouts, but couldn't make sense of any of the words.

"Sorry, That was Jenna. Apparently Moffat's in a pissy mood again. I've got to go, Love." He apologized.

"That's alright. I know how it is. Tell Steven I said hello." She said teasingly.

"Sure thing, Hun. I love you." He said hurriedly.

"Love you too. I mean more. I love you more!" She corrected, right before the line went dead. It was one of Matt's little quirks. He never said "I love you too" it was always "I love you more." He felt like "I love you too" had less meaning.


Author's Note:

Let's talk about timing, shall we?

Matt Smith is currently 29. Let's say he doesn't regenerate in the eight season (which he will D:) Therefore, in 2014, at age 30 he will still be filming DW.

My imaginary Sherlock Season 4 would be filming at the same time, in which Katherine is 27.

They dated for two years, then got engaged for one year.

They've been married a few months, so that makes Katherine 30 and Matt 33.

I hope that cleared up any questions you had! If you have any questions feel free to leave them in the comments!

Thanks for reading, voting, commenting, and sharing with your friends!



Katherine Smith: The Girl Who Married The Doctor // Matt Smith FanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt